Lutron Caseta Pico (Core Integration Only)

It works and it’s wayyyyy faster than Hubitat. Can I hold to decrease brightness like Hubitat? Thx

I just updated to the Core Integration, do Pico’s not show up as entities anymore? It shows as a device in integration, only my true switches show up as entities. I looked through the documentation, but I must have missed something? I used Node Red to manage automations for them when they were entities.

Picos were only available as entities in 3rd party integrations (eg Upsert). They are only available as devices in the core integration. I haven’t use NR in a while and unfortunately I do not remember if/how you can reference them in flows.

I was using a custom component that seemed to break in the last month, I was about a month behind on updates. It used to expose the Pico’s as sensor entities.

Is a release event when you actually let go of the button or when you push it again if the current event/scene is activated?

Basically I want to setup a system where I have the 4 buttons and each press is turn scene 1,2,3,4 respectively on and off.


Scenes don’t work that way. You can only activate a scene (ie turn it on). You can potentially setup a button press to cycle through scenes, but it not something that HA let’s you do natively. You would need to use something else to keep track of and activate each scene…like a an input_select. That is beyond the scope of this thread bit you can search the forum for help setting this automation up. Here’s one thread that may be of help.

I apologize if this question has been asked before… I did read all the comments in this thread and may have missed it. I have been using the cutom upsert component for a year or so with @MizterB Node-Red flow for multiple Pico remotes.
Does your BluePrint and the new core Lutron Caseta integration work with multiple remotes?
About to set up my new HA Blue appliance and wondered if I should just start from scratch or migrate what is already working.
Many thanks :pray:

This blueprint works with multiple remotes by creating an automation from the blueprint for each remote you want to configure.

I believe the primary difference between this and my Node Red flow is that the blueprint does not support double-tap actions.


Anyone get this blueprint to work with Shades? This would work well, but I can’t get it to trigger any blinds groups.

This blueprint is only for the remote outlined and pictured at the top of the thread. If you are using that exact model remote, then the issue is likely in the action section you have configured. Try testing your service calls in the developers tools section before adding to a button press in the blueprint.

So I have figured out what you said earlier and it works fine there

but when entering this information into the blueprint nothing happens

You have to fill in the Pressed & Released section of the blueprint for the blinds to work. You can’t have Pressed OR Released filled out.

I’m a bit new at this so it may be something easy. What I’ve done is

  • Set the automation mode to “restart”
  • Up (Raise) Arrow Button Pressed — action type to “Call service”, Service “Light: Turn On”, target “Office” (which is an area, not a specific light), Transition=5 seconds, Brightness step value=254.
  • Up (Raise) Arrow Button Released — action type to “Call service”, Service “Light: Turn On”, target “Office”, Brightness step value=0.

When I press the button, it starts brightening as expected. However, when I release the button it instantly turns on all the way. In playing with it, it seems to me like when I release the button, setting the brightness relative to 254 instead of relative to the brightness of the light at that point in time.

I can’t seem to figure out what I’m doing wrong?

The link I posted only works with Zigbee lights/deconz integration. In my case this is what the “release” button looks like

    - service: deconz.configure
        entity: light.master_bedroom
        field: "/action"
        data: {"bri_inc":0}

Oh, I see. thanks for clarifying. I thought you meant that you replicated this with the blueprint. @stephack you mentioned this should be possible to do with the blueprint. Do you know if I may just be doing something wrong or if maybe this wont work afterall? Here’s what I have

- id: '###'
  alias: Office Pico
  description: ''
    path: stephack/core-pico.yaml
      auto_mode: restart
      pico_remote: ###
      - service: light.turn_on
          area_id: office
          transition: 0.25
          brightness: 255
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_step: 254
          transition: 10
          area_id: office
      - service: light.turn_off
          area_id: office
          transition: 0.5
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_step: 0
          area_id: office

What I meant in my previous post is that the Deconz command could be used in the action section of this blueprint. If you are not using deconz then it doesn’t apply directly.

I assume you are using the ZHA component. If so then you would need to figure out the “stop” command for your zigbee lights and have that command sent on button release. You are also trying to control an area so if there are non-zigbee lights in the mix then I pretty sure you will get unexpected results.

Has anyone tried to control Alexa Media Player using a pico remote? I was given a Lutron Hub and Pico Remote for free and have no use for it. I wanted to see if I could use the pico remote to control Alexa Media Player through HA but I don’t see any posts about other people trying this. In theory it should be capable but maybe I’m missing something.

Edit: I just downloaded the blueprint and gave it a shot, works like a charm! Thanks for all the great work! I was able to control the music on a group of Alexa devices which was exactly what I was looking for. It would be 100% prefect if I could get the play/pause button to work. I can only get the button to either play or pause, the option for play/pause doesn’t appear to work and play doesn’t pause and pause doesn’t play, too bad, oh well I’ll take 95% working.

I just imported this Blueprint, and was using it, but for some reason it’s breaking all my automations, I get the error: only automations that have a unique id assigned are debuggable. Any suggestions on what I’m doing wrong?


You’ll need to provide a lot more details as to why you think a blueprint automation is breaking your other automations.

No clue on what this error is as I’ve never seen it myself. Provide the entire error if possible and also provide a screenshot of the automation that is causing it.

Sorry, I should’ve known better. Here is the Automation I created using the Blueprint (Let me know if I should upload my entire automation.yaml and/or log file.

- id: '1641747639205'
  alias: Living Room Light Switch (Pico)
  description: To Pico Remote to control LIFX Bulbs
    path: stephack/core-pico.yaml
      auto_mode: restart
      pico_remote: 5ce6d50cc28fb67d6af3cf299b91507f
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.living_room_lights
          brightness: 255
      - device_id: 5ce6d50cc28fb67d6af3cf299b91507f
        domain: ''
        entity_id: ''
      - service: light.turn_off
          entity_id: light.living_room_lights


If I delete this automation and restart, my automations become editable again.