Lutron Caseta Pico (Core Integration Only)

You need 2022.2 or later to use the pico remotes without a pro hub

I was able to “emulate” a long press, like with increasing light brightness up until a point, by having the arrow key press trigger a repeating action with a short delay, like 500 ms. You stop by the loop by having the arrow key release trigger a wait action, I just used 1 second.

      - repeat:
          while: []
            - service: light.turn_on
                brightness_step_pct: 10
                transition: 1
            - delay:
                hours: 0
                minutes: 0
                seconds: 0
                milliseconds: 500
      - delay:
          hours: 0
          minutes: 0
          seconds: 1
          milliseconds: 0


Thanks for this! Saved me a lot of headache over trying to figure out how to do this in node red.

Would you happen to know how to set a dim limit so it doesn’t turn the light off?

Today’s update to core-2022.6.1 seems to have broken this Blueprint. Pico remotes don’t show up in the input box. Existing Automations configured before the 2022.6.1 update seem to work fine.


Lutron Caseta core integration
multiple Pico remotes

Yes, I just tried creating a new BP automation (running 2022.6.0 myself) and I’m seeing the same. The really strange thing is that I changed the model to one of my dimmers instead as a test…and it worked fine. So something has changed that seems to only affect the button controllers.

:thinking: very strange. I’m not sure how to proceed…might have to open an issue with the HA team.
@ogiewon @mattsheffiel , are you seeing the same with your version of this BP since the latest HA update?

I was able to get this working by commenting out the integration value - line 13 of the blueprint

          #integration: lutron_caseta
          model: PJ2-3BRL-GXX-X01 (Pico3ButtonRaiseLower)

Seems like in the latest HA update the device selector component when referencing an integration is pulling the entities instead of the devices.

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@stephack @hyperfive Thanks Dan! I had tried commenting out the model, but that didn’t work; it returned the devices. Commenting out the integration worked! Appreciate you two looking into it! Love this BP!

I guess this was one of those overlooked breaking changes. I updated the blueprint. I really hope another integration doesn’t use “PJ2-3BRL-GXX-X01” as a model number :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks @hyperfive for confirming with workaround.
@ogiewon @mattsheffiel you probably need to do the same with your BP’s.

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Is there a way to add trigger id’s to the blueprint? This could allow one to hold down the raise/lower and have it stop when released.

@stephack Thank you for this blueprint and keeping it updated! I’m programming a few Pico Remotes and want to make sure I’m using the correct Automation Mode. I searched this post for a clear description of them, but came up empty. Do you mind posting the description and maybe an example scenario for each mode? Thanks again.

The blueprint doesn’t care which mode. It depends on what your automation needs. Mainly an issue for longer running automation and what should to if it gets called a second, third, etc time.

An example might be a light that should go off after 20 minutes.

Your “on” action may be something like:

  • turn on light
  • wait 20 minutes
  • turn off

But then what happens if you press “on” again during the 20 minute wait?

  • Single - nothing happens, the press is ignored
  • Restart - currently running a action is terminated and your “on” action is processed again. For this effectively resetting the 20 minute wait.
  • Queued - waits until current action finishes an run the automaton again. For this the light would turn off (first press completes) and then turn on again (second press executes).
  • Parallel - Both timers run concurrently, confusion ensues
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Thanks. Not sure what you’re driving at with the first sentence. It is an Automation Blueprint after all. But, the rest of the post is exactly what I needed. Thanks again.

Thank you for this! New user to Home Assistant with next to zero knowledge on the platform and this was extremely easy to implement.

I’ve had 4 automation based on this blueprint for over a year and all of a sudden today when I press the pico remotes, the green light blinks and Logview shows the button was pressed but the automation don’t run. Ii go into the automation and click run on each event / service / scene It works and if i delete the automation and start from scratch it works until I reset home Assistant than it goe back to not working.

any ideas?

It wasn’t using this blueprint, but I had a Pico automation not work for the first time I know of earlier this week.

Symptoms were similar.

Reloading the integration fixed it for me.

Probably unrelated, but stands out since Caseta has otherwise been so reliable.

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Since 2022.11, I too have been having issues with my Pico automations (using this blueprint) not working. A restart sometimes fixes it. Not sure what’s going on here—Caseta has always been reliable for me too.

My issue was under 10.5. Still a single glitch at this point.

Kept having the problem today. Going to try and set up actions outside of the blueprint and see if its related to automations inside the blueprint or the pico devices themselves.

This blueprint stopped working for me in the last couple days too. Has anyone found a solution?

I tired just using automations using the Pico remote and they haven’t been working either so its related to Lutron Pico remote not the blueprint IMO.