Lutron Caseta - turn on dimmer to max (brightness attribute) is not triggering switch

Here is my dilemma. I am attempting to use a Lutron Caseta dimmer such that when I turn on the switch to 100% (255 brightness condition) it triggers the action to turn on a lamp switch in the room. I can get the trigger to work if I do not use the brightness state in either the trigger or as a condition. But I don’t want the lamp turning on if I just use the dimmer up button to turn the light to say 25%. I’m attempting to do this in two of my kid’s rooms so that if I have to come in the room in the middle of the night, the lamps don’t turn on 100%.

alias: Lights - Turn on lamp with switch
description: ‘’

  • platform: state
    entity_id: light_ceiling_fan_light
    to: ‘on’
  • condition: state
    entity_id: light_ceiling_fan_light
    attribute: brightness
    state: ‘255’
  • type: turn_on
    device_id: 4****
    entity_id: switch._socket_1
    domain: switch
    mode: restart

I also tried it with the same unsuccess by eliminating the condition and just using the brightness state of 255 as a trigger. I have tried using things like >200 as the state, but that did not work either.

Any suggestions?

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I know this question is a bit old, but I had the same issue (and found it when searching). I came up with a solution that works for me.

I was playing around with this and found that “state” didn’t work as a trigger, but “numeric state” did. Here’s the YAML I have for turning on some undercabinet lights, only when the main light is max bright. It is a little hacky because I had to trigger it when it was above 254, instead of it just being 255. But, it works great.

alias: Kitchen Lights - Turn on undercabinet
description: “”

  • platform: numeric_state
    • light.kitchen_main_lights
      attribute: brightness
      above: 254
  • type: turn_on
    device_id: 4
    entity_id: 05
    domain: switch
  • type: turn_on
    device_id: 68
    entity_id: 91
    domain: switch
    mode: single