I have been running Lutron switches for a long time without any issues…$$$$ but I believe worth it.
I have a automation/script that uses the pico remote and I can see which button on the switch is push/held …
I have recently added a light level control to the office which is not using the pico remote only the wall dimming switch and do not see where I can get the button pushed information. The office light control: How do you modify the value of a sensor attribute - #9 by eralbright
I’m looking for: (this uses the pico to control two lights. The upper/lower is on/off for one switch and the on/off is on/off for the other and the stop is toggle both)
So I ended up doing a work around with the switch brightness value. When I enter the automation I get the reading and compare it to the last time the automation ran leaving value. If it is not the same (within reason, I have found that it is usually about 1 off of the last value - don’t understand why) then the switch was adjusted, either by Alexa request or by switch adjustment.
It is all working as expected - now it is clean it up and speed it up.
Speeding it up - I will most likely try parallel execution. Has anyone looked to see if that is actually faster than the series run.
The executed path shown has it doing a lot of tests to see what needs to be done. The reason I’m thinking parallel is it physically would be shorter so therefore less time. But does it take more time due to increased processor needs. But using such a small amount of processor … about to find out, or break it completely.
All yes, agreed. I skimmed and saw the Pico mentioned in the first comment, and missed the normal switch. Yes, definitely does not detect button presses for non pico. but I do still love that integration for the double tap and long press on the Picos.
I already had template code for pico long/double/triple presses. It’s ugly and takes a little manual setup for each pico, but works well. Doubt I would go that route today if I were starting over.