So I managed to integrate my Lutron system into Hassio via the Lutron integration. I can control the lights and even the scenes are imported (non-editable though).
I also have those fancy Lutron switches from the Homeworks system in every room to control the lights and shades. I can’t find the keypads anywhere on Homeassisstant. They do not show up as a card, entity or anything on my HA. Could someone point me to a tutorial or something on how to import the switches/ keypads and emulate button presses?
For example:
If I double press the blinds switch they go to a 90 degrees position. When I single press they go to 45 degrees (up/ down are separate buttons). I would like to emulate that.
The other thing I’d like to do is: when I press the button to turn on a specific light the music should go on in this room. I managed to get it working by using the status of the light (on/ off) to accomplish that. But due to different reasons I’d prefer to activate the music on a double press.
Any help would be sooo much appreciated. Also, I don’t know anything about programming. I’m just hacking stuff together and hoping it will work. Most things I’ve managed to get to work, but those two mentioned cases are impossible for me to figure out…