I’m trying to switch from a living room Aqara FP2 sensor to my outside weather station sensor to monitor light levels and turn lights on when it gets cloudy outside. The automation was working fine when I used my FP2, but it’s not working with the WeatherUnderground sensor from my weather station. Can anyone see why it isn’t triggering?
Yup, that’s what I want it to do is below 10000 trigger. It was below 10000 several times and didn’t trigger but today it is. Must have been a fluke with Weather Underground or something else going on but it’s working as expected this morning.
If the solar radiation value is never less than zero then above: 0 isn’t required.
To trigger, it had to change from above 10000 to below 10000. It’s the crossing of the threshold that results in triggering. If the value never rises above 10000 and always remains below 10000, there’s no triggering.