I just bought such a sensor and integrated it into HA through the Xiaomi Gateway 3 (like many other Zigbee and BLE Aqara / Mi sensors that work perfect).
The new device automatically pops up in HA but the battery and the illuminance levels are unknown.
Looking at the gateway log, I can see that the correct levels are broadcasted and received in HA.
In the following example I can see that 139 Lx is received
2022-01-23 02:41:56 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | gw/588E81FFFE77B41C/MessageReceived b'{"sourceAddress":"0x67D8","eui64":"0x54EF4410001A4285","destinationEndpoint":"0x01","clusterId":"0x0400","profileId":"0x0104","sourceEndpoint":"0x01","APSCounter":"0x18","APSPlayload":"0x18540A000021D653","rssi":-32,"linkQuality":255}'
2022-01-23 02:41:56 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | zigbee/send b'{"cmd":"report","id":2000000140,"did":"lumi.54ef4410001a4285","time":1642902115055,"rssi":-32,"zseq":84,"params":[{"res_name":"0.3.85","value":139}],"mi_spec":[{"siid":2,"piid":1,"value":139}],"dev_src":"0"}'
2022-01-23 02:41:56 DEBUG gateway3 | lumi.54ef4410001a4285 lumi.sen_ill.mgl01 <= {'0.3.85': 139} [0.3]
2022-01-23 02:41:56 DEBUG gateway3 | MQTT | log/miio b'\x1b[0;32m2022:01:23:09:41:55.844 [D] miio_client_func: ot_agent_recv_handler_one(): fd:9, msg:{"method":"properties_changed","params":[{"did":"421164399","piid":1,"siid":2,"value":139}],"id":2048} length:102 bytes\x1b[0m'
2022-01-23 02:41:56 DEBUG gateway3 | Process props [{'did': '421164399', 'piid': 1, 'siid': 2, 'value': 139}]
but I can’t figure out why these are not “understood” and displayed in HA.
Any Ideas, what to do?