LVGL graphic meter indicator not working

I’m trying to use an image as a meter indicator. I don’t get any errors it just doesn’t show up at all. I have another object that puts the meter indicator in the upper left of the screen so I can verify the file is available and working OK.

I can’t find anybody on the internet that has used a graphic meter so there are not any examples of working code but this seems to follow the documentation.

The code work fine with a standard “line” indicator but does nothing if I switch to a graphic indicator.


                - meter:
                    height: 335
                    width: 335
                      range_from: 1
                      range_to: 100
                      angle_range: 360
                      rotation: 270
                        count: 13
                        length: 10
                        - image:
                            id: tide_level
                            src: tide_pointer
                            pivot_x: 22
                            pivot_y: 78
                            value: 0
                        # - line:
                        #     id: tide_level
                        #     width: 3
                        #     color: red
                        #     r_mod: -4
                        - arc:
                            color: gray
                            width: 20
                            end_value: 100
                            start_value: 0

Is it because your range is between 1 and 100, and your initial value is 0 (which isn’t between 1 and 100)?

It’s a bug. Add this to your yaml:

  - source: github://pr#8005
    components: [lvgl]

That worked. Thanks for the fix @clydebarrow.

Screenshot 2025-01-02 123954