M5Paper E-ink touch display

Hi all,

I bought this ESP32 based E-ink device with built-in battery and thouch screen from M5stack. It’s a really nice piece of hardware, looking for a way to integrate it in HA as it’s not (yet) supported by ESPhome. Is somebody using it already with HA?

In action:


I also picked one of these up, with the plan to try using it as a HA controller, but haven’t had a chance yet.
Keen to see what everyone else has planned for it. It was a, buy now, plan what to with it later, purchase for me :grin:

Really cool: it would be great to have it supported by ESPHOME!

It would be a great remote for HA!

Yes, my thought was also to have a couple of them and use it as a remote for some basic things for which I do not always like to take my phone or tablet.

Hello, I just received two m5paper today. I’ll love to make a hass remote too. But I don’t have a lot of time to dev it. I’ll try it later. The product is really good. Just they are no backlight but it will be OK I think.

Somebody know a github project that could be a first step to work on the remote. I don’t want to start from zero.

Give this a try, but only if you let us know!!! Hahaha, looking forward to buy one of this paper m5s

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Just bought one as well, intend to use it as a Home Assistant remote.
I’ll definitely give a try to the “Espressif ESP32 Based Smarthome screen for MQTT” once I get the device.

Does anyone know if it is possible to do refreshes when the M5Paper is not plugged in? I want to use it as weather station. But it seems that I have to press the on button every time or let it permanently connected (see also https://github.com/Bastelschlumpf/M5PaperWeather/issues/1).
Thanks in advance for the answers!

My guess is that it has nothing to do with if it is plugged in or not, I would look at the code and replace where it references the button state with a timer like every 30 mins

Maybe this is an answer: https://github.com/Bastelschlumpf/M5PaperWeather/issues/1#issuecomment-1220284778 (not tested yet)

Refreshing the thread as GT911 support was added to ESPHome

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