I bought this ESP32 based E-ink device with built-in battery and thouch screen from M5stack. It’s a really nice piece of hardware, looking for a way to integrate it in HA as it’s not (yet) supported by ESPhome. Is somebody using it already with HA?
I also picked one of these up, with the plan to try using it as a HA controller, but haven’t had a chance yet.
Keen to see what everyone else has planned for it. It was a, buy now, plan what to with it later, purchase for me
Yes, my thought was also to have a couple of them and use it as a remote for some basic things for which I do not always like to take my phone or tablet.
Hello, I just received two m5paper today. I’ll love to make a hass remote too. But I don’t have a lot of time to dev it. I’ll try it later. The product is really good. Just they are no backlight but it will be OK I think.
Just bought one as well, intend to use it as a Home Assistant remote.
I’ll definitely give a try to the “Espressif ESP32 Based Smarthome screen for MQTT” once I get the device.
Does anyone know if it is possible to do refreshes when the M5Paper is not plugged in? I want to use it as weather station. But it seems that I have to press the on button every time or let it permanently connected (see also https://github.com/Bastelschlumpf/M5PaperWeather/issues/1).
Thanks in advance for the answers!
My guess is that it has nothing to do with if it is plugged in or not, I would look at the code and replace where it references the button state with a timer like every 30 mins