M5Stack ATOM Echo adaptation problem

Hello, I have read several topics on the forum, but in none of them I have found a solution to my problem. It concerns the M5Stack ATOM Echo adaptation. There is a compilation problem after creating a C++ file. The following messages appear:

INFO ESPHome 2024.7.0
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/m5stack-atom-echo-31cad8.yaml...
INFO Updating https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git@pull/5230/head
INFO Updating https://github.com/jesserockz/esphome-components.git@None
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Updating https://github.com/espressif/[email protected]
INFO Updating submodules (components/esp-sr, components/esp-adf-libs) for https://github.com/espressif/[email protected]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/esphome", line 8, in <module>
  File "/esphome/esphome/__main__.py", line 1079, in main
    return run_esphome(sys.argv)
  File "/esphome/esphome/__main__.py", line 1066, in run_esphome
    rc = POST_CONFIG_ACTIONS[args.command](args, config)
  File "/esphome/esphome/__main__.py", line 433, in command_compile
    exit_code = write_cpp(config)
  File "/esphome/esphome/__main__.py", line 194, in write_cpp
    return write_cpp_file()
  File "/esphome/esphome/__main__.py", line 212, in write_cpp_file
  File "/esphome/esphome/writer.py", line 344, in write_cpp
  File "/esphome/esphome/writer.py", line 297, in copy_src_tree
  File "/esphome/esphome/components/esp32/__init__.py", line 684, in copy_files
    repo_dir, _ = git.clone_or_update(
  File "/esphome/esphome/git.py", line 111, in clone_or_update
  File "/esphome/esphome/git.py", line 31, in run_git_command
    raise cv.Invalid(lines[-1][len("fatal: ") :])
voluptuous.error.Invalid: Unable to find current revision in submodule path 'components/esp-adf-libs'

Has anyone encountered the same problem and how did they solve it?

I am getting the same error on the Esp32-s3-box-3. Have yet to find a solution.

Seems that a lot of people are struggling with it - here’s an old github issue that was raised Unable to find current revision in submodule path 'components/esp-adf-libs' · Issue #4952 · esphome/issues · GitHub esphome restarts seem to help some people. Unfortunately it didn’t help me.

Solved it by installing via Ready-Made Projects — ESPHome rather than esphome add on in hass.

Unfortunately this method does not work. I have tried several times and always stop at ESPHome configuration. I am trying to enter the ESPHome node connection settings but I cannot find the hostname.

I had the same problem with Esphome version 2024.7.3.

After investigating “voluptuous.error.Invalid: Unable to find current revision in submodule path ‘components/esp-adf-libs’” error message,
using the following developper-level procedure, i found that components/esp-adf-libs folder only contains .git subfolder, without any files checkouted,
because attempted revision was not found in .git folder. This was the same problem for me for components/esp-sr submodule.

  1. Requirement : connect to home assistant core ssh on port 22222 as explained on Debugging the Home Assistant Operating System

  2. As I was using Windows, i use putty connection on port 22222 and WinSCP (SCP protocol) connection on port 22222

  3. docker ps command in putty to retrieve esphome CONTAINER_ID

docker ps
   CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                           COMMAND               CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                                                                                  NAMES
   6d0424519132   ghcr.io/esphome/esphome-hassio:2024.7.3                         "/init"               24 hours ago   Up 24 hours                                                                                                    addon_5c53de3b_esphome
  1. docker inspect -f ‘{{ .Mounts }}’ [CONTAINER_ID] to find where are esphome addons files mounted
docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' 6d0424519132

Example of response :

[{bind  /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant /config   true rprivate} {bind  /mnt/data/supervisor/ssl /ssl   false rprivate} {bind  /dev /dev   false rprivate} {bind  /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/5c53de3b_esphome /data   true rprivate}]

Result : /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/5c53de3b_esphome

So i found submodules location in :

  1. Using putty on port 22222 to repair esp-adf-libs
cd /mnt/data/supervisor/addons/data/5c53de3b_esphome/idf_components/b0ad5728  (to be in main git folder)
git submodule status    (to view git submodules revision expected)
example : 
 3b34541c9212faa50c252f5fd00c36b6077ee96d components/esp-adf-libs ()  (expected revision 3b34541c9212faa50c252f5fd00c36b6077ee96d)
 0c1eecaac259af95f76723b61d4e16cef5904fc7 components/esp-sr ()        (expected revision 0c1eecaac259af95f76723b61d4e16cef5904fc7)

git submodule update --init --recursive components/esp-adf-libs    (trying to update submodule with expected revision => fatal: Unable to find current revision in submodule path 'components/esp-adf-libs')
rm components/esp-adf-libs   (to delete esp-adf-libs folder)
git submodule update --init --recursive components/esp-adf-libs  (to restore esp-ads-libs folder)
cd components/esp-adf-libs    (to go in submodule folder)
git checkout [expected revision]
example here : 
   git checkout 3b34541c9212faa50c252f5fd00c36b6077ee96d
  1. Trying to install again m5stack-atom-echo-a159bc.yaml i got the same error for components/esp-rs submodule and apply the same procedure as 5) above

  2. m5stack-atom-echo-a159bc.yaml install is working

Hope this can help a few people !

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Thank you for your guide.
I still don’t succeed with the install after months of owning the ATOM Echo… And I kind of give up now.
Strange that there is no reaction from the developers, being a thing they advertise everywhere on their voice-chapters.

Small adjustments to your guide:
My HAOS didn’t have git installed, so I went directly into the docker container with

docker exec -it 5c53de3b-esphome bash

From there the submodules are in data/idf_components/b0ad5728. I followed your guide from there again, but I get the following reply:

root@5c53de3b-esphome:/data/idf_components/b0ad5728# git submodule update --init --recursive components/esp-adf-libs
fatal: could not get a repository handle for submodule 'components/esp-adf-libs'


root@5c53de3b-esphome:/data/idf_components/b0ad5728/components/esp-adf-libs# git checkout
fatal: not a git repository: /data/idf_components/b0ad5728/components/esp-adf-libs/../../.git/modules/components/esp-adf-libs

Installing the .yaml fails as usual… :sob:

I finally found a solution to my case. My HA installation is a system downloaded from the Raspberry PI website. I used a ready-made project from Ready-Made Projects — ESPHome. After creating the ready-made project, I did not install it directly in HA. I cleaned up all traces of my previous attempts to install the voice assistant in HA by completely removing it. I reloaded the system and HA detected the voice assistant by itself. I only confirmed that I wanted to include it in HA and the matter was solved. I did not try any more compilations of the yaml file.