M5Stack Atom Echo - Flashing Blue light when pressed

I just received a M5Stack Atom Echo. I managed to flash it without issue using the instructions provided here: $13 voice remote for Home Assistant - Home Assistant
and added to HomeAssistant.

The problem is when I click the button, it just flashes blue on and off continually. It is not getting the Talk solid blue light when clicked. It does however see the button click in HASS logs so I know it connected.

I have reset using the side button and reinstalled. Same issue once added to HASS. Any suggestions on how to get it working would be very much appreciated.

Other: Whisper and Piper are installed and setup. ESP32 shows the M5Stack Atom Echo (as discovered). I have not Adopted it. Thanks in advance

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I found the same thing, and think it was because the “assist_pipeline” for it was set to “Preferred” and for some reason that doesn’t work for me, despite having one set as preferred (I’m on 2023.5.2). Once I set it to one of my pipelines (and perhaps power-cycled) it started working.

When it wasn’t working the “assist_in_progress” would toggle on and then off immediately when I pressed the button, whereas it should stay on while held and beyond.

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Thanks for the reply. Good to know others have experienced it.

Remind me please, where is that setting…I can’t find it now but saw it in the past!

It’s one of the entities created by the integration. So just type “assist_pipeline” in Dev Tools and you should see it.

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Strange I don’t have any “assist_pipline” showing in my install, yet Voice is there, as are the Whisper Piper, & Wyoming apps which look fine. Head scratching indeed.

Ah it might be because I have the ESPHome addon installed - that’s where the entities come from. Did you add it to ESPHome too?

I mucked about with my ESPhome last night and had some success. The “Assist Pipeline” for the M5Stack wasn’t enabled. I enabled it and now I have a pipe and got things working.
I also discovered that the flashing blue light could be stopped by enabling the “light.m5stack_atom_echo_ xxxx” entity. One then has a button to turn it off, not that one needs it if all is working. It could be used ti identify the device I suppose by turning on it’s light.

I have to say, I’m a tad disappointed with it. Works 1 out f 5 times if lucky i.e. “Turn On Kitchen Light” mostly just says “Sorry I couldn’t understand that”! On rare occasion it works and yes I have an Alias setup for “Kitchen Light” :slight_smile: My English is clear so not my accent. My HASS is a Virtual PC so lots of resources.

Have you had much success with yours or is it just “early day’s” ?

I think it is early days. I also got one of the old-timey phones and both are a bit hit-or-miss, so I don’t think it’s the hardware so much. I also installed Yarvis which allows you to set up regular expressions for what you speak. I use it for example to say “container 13 is fried rice” for things in the freezer, and it means I can also cope with “contriner”, “continent”, etc which it mishears (and some of them aren’t even words!). My config for Yarvis is below. You can see a number of words it often hears instead of the real one, but at least you can account for it.

    - ^\W*(?:add|and|at|pat|head)\W*(?P<value>.*?$)
    - add (?P<value>.*?$) to my shopping list
    - ^\W*(?:buy|by|bye|five)\W*(?P<value>.*?$)
    - (?:container|contriner) (?P<number>.*?) is (?P<content>.*?$)
    - (?:contina|continent) (?P<number>.*?) is (?P<content>.*?$)

I also download the conversation code into “custom_components” and changed line 178 of “default.agent.py” to be a warning so I could more easily get a log of what it thought it heard.

Yeah some crazy translations. One can view what it detects via Voice Assistant → Assists, select your favorite (if more than one), and then Debug option.

It’s crazy as the same “simple” command can return very very different results hence not surprised it is touch and go. Ah well, interesting stuff and will play around with what you noted i.e.Yarvis. Touch wood things get better as time goes on as it is more or less useless right now (other than Hobby side). I bought 2 x M5Stack Atom Echos and cost me AU$52 all up. Hope it wasn’t a total waste. ha!

I found the Debug option unreliable - it often just sits there spinning. That’s why I originally downloaded the code so I could debug. It may be improved since 2023.5.2 though.

I’m on latest HA 6.2. Debug seems fine as it clearly shows how poorly it understands anything I say. Back to school for me. I need to learn how to speak “Voice Assistant” language…haha!

It doesn’t work on my side. I set “assist_pipeline”, but it just flashes blue. I added logs to the voice_assistant: entity in esphome yaml file and it seems voice_assistant.on_start is never called. I’m on the latest esphome and HA.

In my case above, it flashed blue continuously when I clicked the button.
Cause: The entity: “select.m5stack_atom_echo_xxxxx_assist_pipeline” was not enabled.
Solution (That worked for me): Go to HA Settings → Devices → select your “M5Stack Atom Echo xxxx” device. On its configuration pane, check that the “Assist Pipeline” is enabled.

experiencing similar problems.
after pressing the button a blue light appears, and when i release it - it just starting to blink.
state of “assist in progress” changes to “on” - but nothing happens.
some other observations:

  • my atom5 does not show a “media player” properties on its page
  • i tried some other suggestions like adding another pipeline and not making it “preferred”, and exposed the atom device to “assist” but still getting a flashing blue light when button is released.

i wanted to try @myhass140 solution, but not sure i got it right. could you please elaborate. what do you mean as far as “check that the “Assist Pipeline” is enabled”?
it sound pretty straight forward, but on the device page i don’t really see it.

I thought I was clear by writing:

In Home Assistant, select Settings from left side panel, then “Devices and Services”, then on Top menu select Devices. Find your M5Stack Atom Echo device there and click on it. It should open a configuration panel.

Is your Assist pipeline showing in your config like this (see red box) i.e. is active?

Mine wasn’t until I enabled it. All was well after that i.e. no more flashing blue light when I clicked on the M5Stack Talk button.

ohhh, got it.
my was that way to begin with, so i couldn’t see what extra action was needed.
as mentioned - mine still doesn’t work.
sorry for the misunderstanding.

however, i can see that yours does not appear with media player properties as well…


True. Not something I planned on using i.e. as a playback device. It does answer via the little speaker so must be detecting it somehow! Like yourself I am just learning this which doesn’t help you.

Perhaps others can chime in if reading as unsure why your Button isn’t working and only flashing blue?

Just wanted to confirm, I set Assistant Pipeline on the device:

Other observations:

  1. When I press the button “Assist in progress” property turns on and immediately turns off:

  1. I added logs to the voice_assistant entity in esphome and voice_assistant.on_start is never called. However it correctly recognizes when I press and release buttons.
  microphone: echo_microphone
  speaker: echo_speaker
    - logger.log: "[v] voice_assistant: on_start"
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led
        blue: 100%
        red: 0%
        green: 0%
        effect: none
    - logger.log: "[v] voice_assistant: on_tts_start"
    - light.turn_on:
        id: led
        blue: 0%
        red: 0%
        green: 100%
        effect: none

So, when I press the button, it just flashes blue. And there are no errors/warnings in the log.

Maybe it would bbe better to open a ticket on github?

OK, I solved it. It’s important to use Piper. It doesn’t work with Google Translate

Ha…I never thought about mentioning that part ie. checking that you were using Whisper, Piper, & Wyoming which are used for Voice Assistant. Great to hear that you worked it out :smile: