M5Stack Atom Lite - Can't Flash?

I’m trying to flash an M5Stack Atom Lite for a Bluetooth proxy: ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy

I tried it a few times using that site and it keeps sitting at “Preparing installation”.
I opened the console up and see these errors:

When I try flashing using the ESPHome add-on in HA it just tells me it can’t connect:

Failed to initialize. Try resetting your device or holding the BOOT button while selecting your serial port until it starts preparing the installation.

And what happens when you do that?

Thanks. I had tried it a few times, but had no luck. I fussed with it a bit more just now and at some point a new device popped up in my list:

I then tried a new M5stack and it came up in the list immediately, without needing to hold down any buttons :man_shrugging: