I’m running an instance of HA (in venv) on my macbook pro, it has a webcam, can anyone advise how to configure the webcam as a camera?
FFmpeg should work.
Something like this should do the trick.
$ ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 -codec:v libx264 -qp 0 lossless.mp4
OK making some progress. I brew install ffmpeg
then after some Googling I found the list of cameras with ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i ""
[AVFoundation input device @ 0x7ff4a9e07380] AVFoundation video devices:
[AVFoundation input device @ 0x7ff4a9e07380] [0] FaceTime HD Camera
[AVFoundation input device @ 0x7ff4a9e07380] [1] Capture screen 0
[AVFoundation input device @ 0x7ff4a9e07380] AVFoundation audio devices:
[AVFoundation input device @ 0x7ff4a9e07380] [0] Built-in Microphone
I can capture a video to disk with ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 30 -i "0" out2.mpg
. All good so far. I then tried a few variations of the config below, without any errors from HA but always get a grey box with FFMPEG(Image not available)
. Any suggestions @fabaff ?
- platform: ffmpeg
input: "0"
extra_arguments: "-f avfoundation -framerate 30"
Trying ffmpeg again, this time with a usb webcam, still no working config. Anybody?
I guess that it’s a macOS issue. ffmpeg
is working for the built-in camera and an USB webcam on Fedora 27.
I’m also interested in this. I can record a video at the command line, but not sure how to set up the built-in FaceTime camera as a normal camera source.
@robmarkcole Did you ever find a decent solution for this? Trying to setup my Logitech camera for Facebox testing.
Sadly not, but I’m sure its just a matter of googling
Made a bit of progress on this in my case using a Logitech C920 Webcam:
ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 2 -i "0" -f mpeg1video -b 200k -r 30 -vf scale=1920:1080
Starts the output from the webcam BUT I’m getting a connection refused:
Connection to tcp:// failed: Connection refused
Which seems to point to an ACL issue according to a few posts elsewhere. Just not sure how to fix that.
./ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 25 -video_size 640x480 -i "0" -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -pix_fmt yuv422p -f mpegts udp://
This works for me on the iMac with the internal FaceTime Kamera. But I cannot open the stream with VLC?
I tried the same code and it does indeed work but can’t get the feed to display in VLC.
Its a VLC problem, I had read it somewhere, its about the MTU size or something. Using mpv player for mac it does indeed work quite well.
I have then moved on to trying using the ffmpeg camera component in homeassistant. But there it simply says idling or something. Have not had time to dig deeper yet …
Yep I have it working in MPV now… although its showing a 5 second lag with 1280x720 at 24fps. Have you managed to lower this lag down?
I came up withthis solution using MQTT