Magic automatic binding remote to bulb?

Hi there,

I have an “Osram smart switch mini” and a Tradfri light bulb in my zigbee network (next to few other devices) that seem to be kind of bound together even though I never did or want that: The buttons of the remote control the light bulb!

I have no automations doing this, nor do I see log messages in HA or zigbee2mqtt regarding the light bulb when using the remote. The bulb reacts on the remote anyway:/ In addition, HA doesn’t get notified of the status changes of the bulb when they’re triggered by the remote. I did a factory reset of the light bulb to no avail: as soon as the bulb is back in my zigbee network, the remote controls it again:/

Any hints on what this could be or how to debug this? I just loaded the map in zigbee2mqtt and found that the bulb is connected with a dashed line (“route”) to the closure actuator I’m actually controlling with the Osram remote. But I have no clue how this route was created, what it really means or how I could change anything about it…

Thank you very much

Look in the Zigbee2mqtt web-interface if your Osram smart mini switch is ‘bound’ to your bulb. IF so, use the ‘unbind’ button

Thank you, I just checked the bindings:

  • the bulb doesn’t have any binding (but works well with HA)
  • the remote has three bindings to the Coordinator
  • the closure actor has one binding to the Coordinator

Can this setup be related to the behaviour I’m observing? Or is there more I could do/check.

This issue still really annoys me, in the meantime I also have a Innr smart plug which is also controlled by the Osram remote even tough I didn’t mean or remember to set this up anywhere.

My network is really simple (I disabled the closure actor for debugging):

It still looks to me like there was some magic / hidden binding between the devices, even though I deleted any binding in zigbee2mqtt I was able to - leaving me with two bindings to the coordinator where I get “nothing to unbind” when trying to remove them using the trash bin icon next to it.

Thank you for any ideas or redirections…

Looks like I finally was able to resolve this. I reset (and so removed from the network) the bulb and then reset and rejoined the remote. After that, I reset the bulb again and let it join the network.

When I first did it the other way round (first resetting and rejoining the remote and then reset and rejoined the remote, the remote seems to have picked up the new bulb and somehow again connected/paired with it.

Weird behavior for me, but as long as it works now…