I have two Magic Home LED strip controllers - one in the kitchen and one in the office (ie lockdown shed!).
I have tried adding the following to my configuration.yaml, but nothing shows up. I assume I dont have the right type of controllers to make this work.
platform: flux_led
automatic_add: true
I therefore have two options - reflash the controllers if they support that, or buy new ones. I also have a Hue bridge, and integration with HA works great. This would therefore seem to be the easiest option (ie a few clicks on amazon rather than a load of soldering and electronics!).
Can anyone recommend a third party LED controller (one will need to be RGBWW, the other just white) to interface with Hue ? Does any zigbee controller work ?
But I get this when trying to validate:
Invalid config for [light.flux_led]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘devices’]. Got None
extra keys not allowed @ data[‘’]. Got None
extra keys not allowed @ data[‘name’]. Got ‘Office’. (See ?, line ?).
I also had an issue with flux_led and assiging them by ip address. I sorted that by bind the Mac to the IP in the router and putting just platform and automatic_add in the yaml as you done. That works 99.9% of the time but every once in a while one bridge fails to be recognized which is then later added anyway.
I did have a huge problem with Limilessled. By chance I had to reset the bridge of those and after that everything worked fine. So maybe a reset of te flux_led bridge will also work?
Thats done it! Just a couple of spaces out. Brilliant - thanks.
I have a zigbee controller arriving today from amazon - looks like I wont need that now.
I’ll bind in the router too so the IP doesn’t move - good tip!
yes static ip addresses are key, My crapy sky router will only allow 50 addresses to be asigned static, so i now give my DIY esp home devices an address in the config.