Magic home led won’t turn off

Hi All

I bought the below items from amazon uk and have only setup using the infrared remote stand alone not in hA as yet.

I’ve found that R G B buttons work correctly red is red etc. However when I press the off button on the remote it just changes to red. Can anyone shed any light on this? It’s the same with the iOS app for magic home

I’ve not tried in HA as yet and I would like the remote to work correctly as well.

Thanks folks

JOYLIT 16.4ft 12V 5050 RGBWW Warm White LED Strip Lighting 5M 300 LEDs Waterproof Ribbon Lamps Multi-colored LED Tape Lights(Only Strip)

SIENOC Mini WiFi RGBW Music Controller + 24Keys IR Remote Control For LED Strip Lights

Anybody any thoughts on this?


I suggest you ask this to the creators of the device.

Ive since set this up in HA and see exactly the same behaviour, ive also tried a new set of LED strip both full roll and short length, with same outcome.

I maybe just unlucky and recieved a faulty controller, as no matter what searches i do in google i cant see anybody having the same issue where off is RED.


Hi frank! I have your same problem.
I thought about physically disconnecting the power cord, but I did not have time because the controller is in the false ceiling. as soon as I can I’ll update you

Actually I now got the same trouble, but with the green LEDs… Is there a solution for this?

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I have the same problem!!! When ai press the “off” button the lights turn red instead of just turn off completely. Anyone have a solution for it??? All the other commands work fine and even with google assistant. It just wont turn off… :frowning:

I am having the same issue. When I turn off the lights they just turn red. Anyone have a resolution? I did do a reboot but it did not help. I have unplugged the unit also and no difference.

I have the same issue… mine turn green when I turn the unit “off”. I popped open the case and I believe I have found the culprit… the green lead has constant 12v power… this also explains why green is the only color that looks correct when I go through the color wheel…

The underlying issue? I am not that deep down the rabbit hole yet… I ordered myself a pack of 3 more controllers and I hope this one is just faulty, but at $13 each I suppose there isn’t much quality control going on at this particular Chinese sweat shop…

In the meantime, I’m going to keep tinkering and see if I can get it right… worst case, it has a faulty component and I can’t repair it… :man_shrugging:t3:

Same issue here. The controller worked fine at start, but it eventually started doing this. It is most definitely the controller because swapping the controller with another one causes the LED strip to behave as expected.

I didn’t see anyone mention this, but I also noticed the controller being warmer than usual, on the LED strip side. I haven’t done extensive testing to verify if this is related.

I didn’t see any extensive damage when opening the controller, however I did notice the red channel component being slight skewed. It doesn’t seem like the reason, being I can make any color when the strip is on, even colors devoid of red or with red.

I’m not sure if this is related, but I can’t get white only controller to go off now. I’ve successfully flashed 9.4 on three separate MagicHome controllers. Each works perfectly for 1-2 cycles, and then will only dim to about 10%. Diming works great. Won’t shut off. Reflashed and reset multiple times. Multiple light strips, same behavior. {“NAME”:“MagicHome”,“GPIO”:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,37,0,0,0,0],“FLAG”:0,“BASE”:18} template. Any ideas?

I’ve got the same problem. Just fitted led decking lights and when I turn the off they just go white and won’t switch off

I also have the problem that the lights stay white when switched off. I was previously sent a replacement controller after the others stayed green when “off”.

I’ve contacted support asking for another controller as it would be difficult to remove the lights and replace now.

FIXED: it is definitely the controller. My off stage was red lights. I opened up the controller box, found the wire that was running from power to the RED (R) spot on the chip, clipped it, and it now shuts off fine. So you can either choose to order a new switch. Or live without the red lights or red tints as I did.