Hello I have coverted my controller magic home grb (not RGB) qith firmware tasmota 10.
I tryed all template magic home but the colors when moving the cursor do not match.
on the controller it is written GRB AND NOT RGB.
how can i find the correct template to set on tasmota?
I use “Arilux LC01 (37)”
I seem to remember it needed to be set to that template to work correctly.
Not the exact same device but might be a good start:
I use this:
and template:
and seems to work.
My it is different see picture on firs post
My controller it’s without ir then see picture, it is GRB …
can you please post your templeate?
Sorry can you post template?
I just put “setoption19 1” in Tasmota console and let HA detect it and set it up. did not do anything with Templates in HA.
It says this. But it isn’t activated, never ever touched that setting. I just go to the template section and set it as i did above.