Magiquest Wand + TSOP38236 + ESP8266 + ESPHome

We took a trip down to “The Great Wolf Lodge” Centralia Washington recently and discovered the world of MagiQuest.

Here is a video that gives you the general idea.
Effectively its a hotel littered with IOT animatronics that kids can interact with by waving their IR wand around.
Great Wolf Lodge MagiQuest: How It Works + See How To Complete Dragon Adventure At Traverse City MI - YouTube

My daughter loved it but when we got home she effectively had a wand that had no other use.
I did a quick google to see if there was any way to integrate with home assistant, and sure enough, there is already a magiquest decoder built into the ESPhome “Remote Receiver” component.

For anyone else interested, it turned out to be pretty easy to setup.
The circuit is just a TSOP38236 (36hz) sensor connected to a digital input pin on a Wemos d1 mini clone (ESP8266).

TSOP38236 1/OUT → Wemos D4
TSOP38236 2/GND → Wemos Ground
TSOP38236 3/Vs → Wemos 5V

ESPHome Yaml:
At first I wasn’t having any luck getting the TSOP38236 to decode the wand, but after I tried setting inverted=true, it started working.

# IR Reciever



    number: GPIO2

    inverted: true  

  dump: magiquest


  - platform: remote_receiver

    name: "Magic Wand"

    id: the_wand


      wand_id: 0x091B3160


      - delayed_off: 1000ms

(GPIO2 = D4)

To determine the wand ID, just add the “Dump: magiquest” setting and then watch the output in ESPHome to see the wand ID.
Then you can create the binary sensor that is specific to that wand ID.

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What kind of quests at home do they use the wand for now? :slight_smile:

Thank you for the inverted = true tip. My kid got a wand in may 2023 and it worked perfectly with esphome. Note to anyone coming to this in the future. Make sure you get a 36khz sensor, not the normal 38khz sensor used by remote controls.

Is that labeled on the ir receiver?

Is this setup to control another device? What is it controlling ?