Mail and Packages: Custom component for UPS, FEDEX, and USPS

You should like b11, even has the image being pulled down like you requested :wink:

I just set this up and so far so good, except I see on the Amazon Packages sensor it detected atleast 3 of my orders since the order number is listed, but still says 0 packages. Did I screw something up?

Also whats the intended use for the images? I canā€™t find a way to display them on the Overview page because the file names change. Can you make a slideshow and have it target the folder?

Please see the wiki for examples of the images use.

Your package counter will only tick up on the day of the delivery. Hereā€™s how it works.

Thanks! 10char

oh and as far as the custom lovelace cards config goes, if I use the editor built into the interface, the examples donā€™t work, everything in quotes is the wrong syntax, no current functioning cards use that. What am I missing here?

The camera stuff is an automation and a camera setup for your configuration.yaml.

Ok so I guess Iā€™m confused because the instructions say to use the Lovelace editor

Scroll up to the camera section.

sorry, iā€™m probably retarded. I tried adding the example via the lovelace editor and to the configuration.yaml and neither worked.

I scrolled up to the camera section, I have already done that and havenā€™t had any issues with that part, so iā€™m not sure what you want me to see there. Again, sorry im retarded.

Oh, once you have the camera bits added in the configuration.yaml, youā€™ll need to restart HA if you havenā€™t already. Then you should be able to do the card bits. Which card example are you trying to use?

yes, the camera was added a long time ago, again I have no issues with the camera portion. I donā€™t know where to put the code for the custom cards. It doesnā€™t work in the lovelace editor, it doesnā€™t work in the configuration.yaml. Not sure it matters, but Im trying to add either of the Vertical Stack Custom Card code

Are there any visual signs of it not working? Red background with text where the card should be? Is the vertical stack custom card installed correctly? Is there indentation issues when copying the yaml in?

im actually trying to do this card now

I was able to add the lovelace resource fine (although I have no clue what the resource for the js is pointing to because that location doesnā€™t exist in the file system afaik) but when I add the card i get red background card ā€œCustom element doesnā€™t exist: mail-and-packages-card.
type: ā€˜custom:mail-and-packages-cardā€™
name: Mail Summary
updated: sensor.mail_updated
details: true
image: falseā€

Iā€™m assuming I need to install mail-and-packages-card? Didnā€™t see that in the example

So it sounds like you having issues getting through the installation of the required JS files for custom cards. The string ā€˜localā€™ is the home assistances internal way of pointing to the www directory. Find /YOUR CONFIG PATH/www/, you may need to create it but I think itā€™s a default folder when HA in installed. Put custom card resources here and construct the url in the settings to how ever you store the JS files under www. You may also need to empty your cache and refresh the page before the resources are loaded.


I just updated the JSON. The Mail and Packages Custom Card repository loads in HACS. I didnā€™t test the install.

It worked :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve added the card, and Iā€™m getting this error

TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: https://MYHAURL/hacsfiles/Home-Assistant-Mail-And-Packages-Custom-Card/mail-and-packages-card-editor.js

The card looks ā€œokā€ ,but I cannot save after adding to lovelace

EDIT: I could only find one refrence to this error in the community. It did mention using a proxy server. I am using a proxy server. Maybe thatā€™s it?

EDIT2: I tried using local IP and also tried firefox, etc. Same issue

Not sure if this is it, but it looks like there needs to be a bit of a code update as well.

2020-07-24 14:21:13 ERROR (MainThread) [hacs] Tried to serve up ā€˜/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www/community/Home-Assistant-Mail-And-Packages-Custom-Card/mail-and-packages-card-editor.jsā€™ but it does not exist

File is now named - Home-Assistant-Mail-And-Packages-Custom-Card-editor.js

Ooookay there we go, thatā€™s super helpful, thanks.

So here we are. Here is my folder structure

and iā€™m still getting this error, even after a reboot

here is the resource page

and you guys said local = www folder right?

iā€™m a new account so its only letting me reply 3 times a day lol