Mail and Packages: Custom component for UPS, FEDEX, and USPS

So to me it looks like a simple misnamed file. The Card js file is looking for the editor js file, but the file is named wrong. I’ve tried renaming locally, and I’ve tried to update the card.js to point to the correct new file name, but so far no go. I’ve tried clearing cache after both changes, restarting HA, etc. I’m sure it’s just a simple fix, just not sure how to force my changes to take effect.

EDIT: I’m at a loss on how to fix the file naming issue. I even made a custom files outside of HACS. Same as above edited the file, renamed the file. Just cannot figure out how to get it to look for the correct file.

@ptdalen reference to the editor JS has been fixed.

@bobloadmire Your Lovelace reference has the old file name

HACS is fully functional. Not sure how often HACS gets changes from the GitHub repository. I removed and readied the custom repository in HACS to see my changes.

Fully installed with working card when tested HACS installation method.

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ok i think I fixed the file name issue, now i’m getting this. This address appears valid on my end.

Thats the filename issue. Notice the editor filename is not correct to what is installed on your system

@bobloadmire, Did you retrieve the updated files from the repository? I don’t know how long they take to get from HACS.

yeah I grabbed them this morning.

See this post 6 minutes ago

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the update JUST came in, thanks!

Edit: F, just rebooted after updating, same exact error

HACS works best when you do releases. Otherwise it’s looking at your commits and may take some time to get refreshed :slight_smile:

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are you saying its possible my repo didn’t update and thats why updating didn’t solve my error?

no press F5 to refresh your frontend :wink:

Well still no joy with Amazon and of course the last two days no USPS which never happens. I have a package that arrived today and got an email notice and one that is shipped but nothing. Will try the latest beta to see if that helps. Is anything wrong with my automation?

- alias: "Mail Notif - Mail Delieveries"
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.mail_usps_mail
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.mail_usps_delivering
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.mail_fexex_packages
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.mail_ups_packages
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.mail_amazon_packages
    - condition: or
        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.mail_usps_mail.last_changed)) < 15 and sensor.mail_usps_mail > 0) }}"
        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.mail_packages_in_transit.last_changed)) < 15 and sensor.mail_packages_in_transit > 0) }}"
        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.mail_ups_packages.last_changed)) < 15 and sensor.mail_ups_packages > 0) }}"
        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.mail_fedex_packages.last_changed)) < 15 and sensor.mail_fedex_packages > 0) }}"
        - condition: template
          value_template: "{{ ((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.mail_amazon_packages.last_changed)) < 15 and sensor.mail_amazon_packages > 0) }}"
              #value_template: "{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.mail_usps_delivering.last_changed)) < 15 }}"
    - service: notify.john_and_barb
        title: "*Today's Mail and Packages*"
        message: "{{ states('sensor.mail_deliveries_message')}}"
    - service: notify.john_and_barb
        message: "Here is the mail"
            file: "/config/www/images/mail_and_packages/mail_today.gif"

reboots and F5s haven’t helped, same error

Sensor name is not correct, would cause the automation not to fire.

Which browser?

chrome/new chrome based edge

I just renamed my editor.js to the old file name and it picked it right up.

Now, heres what we got:

1.what do we use for the delivery message sensor? nothing makes sense in the list.
2. What do we use for the gif location? i tried pointing it to the folder, and also pointing it to the gif file name directly. Neither work. Also won’t the gif file name change day to day anyway?
3. Camera sensor same issue, its not picking up the gif or mp4.

Thanks good catch. I updated this and restarted. Oddly it found a piece of mail coming this morning in my email I didn’t even notice but didn’t see the Amazon mail or skipped it. Have one email from Amazon yesterday that it shipped. Then one today that it was delivered. Counts in HA are still zero.

This won’t tally unless the date where it says “will arrive:” is today.

If you grab the latest beta, make sure to have the Amazon Delivered sensor enabled.

Here’s a snippet from my email this morning:


Came from [email protected]