Mail and Packages: Custom component for UPS, FEDEX, and USPS

Uh yeah… That would be the issue … apparently 0.2.1-3 is listed as a “higher” release version than the 0.2.2 beta… and my obsessive compulsive need to try the “latest” version caused my issue :wink: . Thanks for pointing it out! I appreciate the assist

Yup looks like HACS only sorts ‘latest’ by date it seems.
Keep an eye out for 0.2.2 - Release :slight_smile:

I can see the .gif being created in my config folder, but when I input the same folder to the files via the custom lovelace card, it will not show.

Also I have an Amazon package out for delivery but its not being detected.

Any help on this?

It has to be in the somewhere in the www directory.

What country?
To see what’s happening you’ll need to enable debugging and check the logs.

Screenshot 2020-11-30 193216

I can see the file is being modified every 5 minutes.

I’m in the USA. I enable debugging and report back.

I had this same issue, In the frontend component you need to set the image path to /local/mail_and_packages/mail_today.gif

Alternatively, I found the easiest way was the proxy the gif through the camera component as mentioned in some of the docs, like this:

  - platform: local_file
    file_path: /config/www/mail_and_packages/mail_today.gif
    name: mail_usps

Then you can add a camera view in your dashboard and point it to camera.mail_usps

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This worked perfectly! Thanks!

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Can i use an email forwarded for this to work? i dont want to give access to my main email. so just create another dummy email and forward the USPS, FedEX, emails there, will that work, or it wont pick the original sender?

I currently have my wife’s Amazon package emails set up to forward to my account, and the integration picks them up just fine. Using forwarding between gmail accounts makes the email look like it still came from the original sender.

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FYI @firstof9 I think the Amazon image part is broken. Looks like Amazon removed the image from the email and it’s only available now when you click on “track your package.”

That’s a shame :frowning:

Yeah realized mine hasn’t updated the image since November 17th. Looking through emails that appears to be about right.

Maybe we should all complain and have them add it back :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I’m sure they’ll get right on that…

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0.2.2 - Release

Please go through the configuration after this update to reinitialize your sensors and adjust your configuration due to breaking changes.

:boom: Breaking Changes :boom:

  • Add option to disable sensors
  • 2 sensors renamed
  • Support for forwarded Amazon emails (requires reconfiguration)
  • Due to more unique ids being generated, old sensors will need to be removed and renamed.

:sparkles: Changes :sparkles:

  • Handle Amazon Hub emails
  • Parse combo from subject line and populate as sensor attribute
  • Add extra debugging messages

:bug: Bug Fixes :bug:

  • Add tracking numbers as attributes to ‘delivering’ sensors
  • Add DHL Sensors
  • Condensed sensor update function (less elif statments)
  • Condensed const import
  • Fix missing error message string
  • Adjust config_flow to only check for ffmpeg if MP4 enabled
  • Fixes #163
  • Automatic detection of Home Assistant configuration directory added to config_flow
  • Actually disable sensors that are disabled and do not attempt to check them still
  • Add Amazon Delivered Sensor
  • Amazon delivered image now downloads into the image directory
  • Internationalize Amazon delivered search and image download
  • Fix USPS email counting error
  • Add error catch for USPS informed delivery emails with attachments. Should fix #194
  • Fix #190
  • Update USPS Tracking number regex
  • Filter duplicate notification emails via tracking numbers fixes #92
  • Fix order number logic for Amazon sensor
  • Fix non-multipart forwarded Amazon delivered emails not processing properly when pulling the image
  • Support for UPS multi delivered emails
  • Add 2 loops to generated mp4
  • Add extra debugging messages
  • Amazon Canada fix
  • FedEx Canada fix
  • Handle Amazon Hub emails
  • Parse combo from subject line and populate as sensor attribute
  • Better unique_ids for sensors - fixes #220
  • Fix FedEx package sensor for real #221
  • Fix Amazon sensor not working #225
  • Fix Amazon Hub sensor #206
  • Potential fix for Amazon sensor not processing emails #225
  • Update DHL from email address #164
  • DHL Subjects were swapped #164
  • Update USPS Informed Delivery email address
  • Guard against sensors not loaded in correct order
  • USPS changed the subjects on emails

Could you add at least the links to the icons in the GitHub code?
I would prefer the actual icons but the links will do.
Reason for asking is to make it easier in a rebuild event to get all the items as fast as possible and I don’t have to search for your link to the icons in the forums.

I can get them uploaded to github.

Thank you sir,
that will save me 30-60 seconds of having to find the DHL logo that you have now.

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Would it be possible to add the same for UPS Emails?

I added the icons to the 0.2.0 branch on github.

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