Mail and Packages: Custom component for UPS, FEDEX, and USPS

That maybe my changes, let me review.

I’m stuck in a similar problem. In response to all my entities being unavailable, I remove M&P and then am now attempting to re-deploy. System is running b5. No matter which set of options I’m choosing I get the “User input malformed”. Checking the MP4 option (suggested in response to the post quoted above) doesn’t change the outcome.

edit: while typing this up it appears that I’m not the only person facing this. Let me know if I can provide any more detail.

As we were just discussing in the previous posts, it looks like the option to select which entities are available was inadvertently removed in the latest beta. @firstof9 is investigating.

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b6 soon to fix this.

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b6… the sensor list is back, but still getting malformed user input

aha, if i entered an “Amazon forwarded email address” into the field, I was able to submit

Same result here. Sensors are now available, but User Input Malformed prevents me from submitting.

enter "" into the amazon forwarding part and it should work.

even after re-configuring and restarting, the entities are still unavailable.

Anything from the debug log?

The debug log shows that it’s successfully getting the emails and parsing them, but I don’t see any data regarding setting the entities, or why they might be set to unavailable

They’d go unavailable if the data coordinator is failing to update them.
That should be the only time.

I just did a reload from the integrations page, then re-submitted the configuration, and they’re back! with the correct data it looks like! woot!

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beta 6 all sensors gone. Have to go back to 2.2 release to get them back.

Did you try the trick @Michael_Griffin did with the reload and re-submit?

Just checking in, b6 is working OK for me and THANK YOU @firstof9 for the quick fix! That’s pretty incredible turnaround and I appreciate it.

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Maybe we should all complain and have them add it back

Maybe they heard you because today I got an email with an embedded image. WTF Amazon, you wildly inconsistent…sigh…

LOL guess i’ll take removing that code off my todo list then

Also part of the reason it’s not integrated into the “in transit” and “delivered” sensors.

it never ends :frowning: I woke up this morning to unavailable sensors again. There was an error, so I guess that’s good? At least we can work the error.

This line shows you’re requiring 15 digits for a FedEx tracking number, but the one I got today was only 12 digits. Maybe that’s causing the issue?

I updated that line on my local installation from "\\d{15,34}" to "\\d{12,34}' and the sensors are back available

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