Mail and Packages: Custom component for UPS, FEDEX, and USPS

AFAIK the custom card should pick the image right up, you might need to refresh the page (pressing F5) for it to show up.

Fixed!!! The only other issue is that it is picking up my USPS mail, but not my USPS packages.

Packages email are separate from the informed delivery emails.

Feel free to review how it works. :slight_smile:

Really appreciate all your help today. Thank you and have a happy holidays!

One question in closing - Does this start using up system space (because it is adding new images into storage each day) or will it keep writing over the previous day?

Just trying to see if i need to delete anything anywhere to keep some space open? If it keep adding images - I assume it would be at the path that we set above - so i would need to go into that folder and delete?

Images are overwritten daily.

Perfect! Thank you.

After looking through the log file, I have a couple of questions. I have two Amazon shipment messages on the same day, 15 minutes apart in fact. This is not normal so I don’t know if your modules accounts for that possibility. The first one arrived the next day, but the second doesn’t arrive for another week. I your module only addresses the most recent, then that would explain no reference to a package in transit. I can see it still finds the tracking number of the package arriving next week and I understand it is too far out to register in transit, so I will wait and see on that one.

Also, my informed delivery email had a package delivered today (which is properly noted) but there is another expected on Wednesday. which isn’t flagged as in transit. With that only show up after an auto-reply@usps Expected Delivery by email?

UPDATE: Just got another USPS email with the expected delivery changed to Tuesday. I see in the log that the module is looking for Expected Delivery Today. So that explains the why it isn’t shown as in Transit.

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Correct only packages being delivered ‘today’ are counted.

The latest beta update doesn’t seem to be working well for me. I was able to get it working for a few hours somehow but the all of my sensors went unavailable again and remained that way after reconfiguring and several reboots. The other instance I have running with only 2 amazon sensors seems fine though.

First error:

Source: components/local_file/
Integration: local_file (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 1:32:31 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:32:31 PM

Could not read camera mail_usps image from file: /config/www/mail_and_packages/mail_today.gif

Second error:

Source: helpers/
Integration: Mail and Packages (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 1:32:59 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:32:59 PM

Timeout fetching Mail and Packages ( data

Prior to the update everything was running smooth. Any ideas?

EDIT: It seems to be working again on it’s own. I didn’t do anything this time.

Timeouts are either going to be your internet connection, or the server side having issues.
Make sure you’re not checking the mail too often, gmail might be throttling you.

And keep it off the www directory

The www directory is fine, if you do one of the following:

  1. Don’t expose your HA instance to external connections
  2. Enable the image security which cycles the image name to random gibberish.

Agreed, but it’s so just as easy to put the image off the www than on the www directory, and only the camera card can access it and show it to an authenticated user.

Unfortunately if you utilize notifications that send images, you have to put the file in the www directory.

Will Amazon not update if it’s shipping and arriving in the same day?

My debug log shows it finding two old tracking numbers from Sunday (already delivered) yet I have two new shipping confirmations from today (12/23) from ~2AM. One arrives today, one tomorrow. It does not seem to detect those.

Why is Amazon looking for SENTON 20-Dec when FedEx is looking for SENTON 23-Dec?

2020-12-23 14:52:59 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.mail_and_packages.helpers] DEBUG imap_search: (OR FROM "[email protected]" FROM "[email protected]" SUBJECT "Your package is scheduled for delivery today" SENTON "23-Dec-2020")
2020-12-23 14:52:59 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.mail_and_packages.helpers] Search for (['[email protected]', '[email protected]']) with subject 1 (Your package is scheduled for delivery today) results: b'' count: 0
2020-12-23 14:52:59 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.mail_and_packages.helpers] Attempting to find Amazon email with item list ...
2020-12-23 14:52:59 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.mail_and_packages.helpers] Amazon email search address: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']
2020-12-23 14:52:59 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.mail_and_packages.helpers] DEBUG imap_search: (OR FROM "[email protected]" FROM "[email protected]" SENTON "20-Dec-2020")

It appears that the only emails scanned on the current day are from “[email protected]” and not “[email protected]”

I am using the latest beta, 0.3.0-b17

No I believe the logic can’t handle that (package shipping/arriving same day)

hmm, that’s a bit of a bummer. So much of Amazon in metro areas is exactly that, same day shipping and arrival. The wiki seems to indicate it should be able to though.

The integration scans for these emails the current day and previous 2 days. If the “deliver by:” date matches the current day the value is increased by 1. Amazon now provides a delivered notification* for internal contractor deliveries. These emails are searched for in the current day only the same way the other shipper delivered emails are counted.

Did it say “Deliver by: today, December 23” ?