Mail and packages icons

How would I go about setting up a singular icon for mail deliveries? basically if no mail is coming I want the icon to be white. If mail is on the way then make it Blue and once it is delivered change the icon to green.

First things first, you’re going to have to figure out how to make that integration reliable. I used to use it, and loved it, but it’s super unstable and nobody was able to offer any reasonable degree of support for it, so I gave up and removed it.

Via con Dios.

Looking at the GitHub page, it hasn’t been updated for 2 years.

But in general there are plenty of threads about icon color. Have you searched?

Using the card-mod component (HACS) is one way. You can also override theme colours, since HA already has some on/off colour support for binary sensors. If you also want different icons, you can create a template (binary) sensor with a template for icon selection and still apply colours. As mentioned, do some searches. There are plenty of posts on these topics.