Mailbox motion sensor status stays until reset

Hi there,

Quick question. I have a motion detector sensor in my mailbox to detect when the mail is delivered which is currently connected to Alexa to sound an announcement. What I’d like to do is have a persistent colored button (think bright yellow) on my dashboard to indicate that the mail has come if I am outside of the house and miss the alexa message. I can easily set the button to color on motion detected, but how can I get the state to stay set to “on” until I tap the dashboard button to reset it? Is this possible? Has anyone done something like this for state persistence for notification of events until manually reset?

Thanks in advance and thank you to all of you who help us novices with building crazy contraptions :wink:

i’d use an input_boolean.mail_available
set it to true when you have the motion sensor. set it to false when you hit the dashboard button.

have your dashboard card point to this boolean, not to the motion sensor.

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Thank you! I’ll give it a shot