Main Menu items at the top of HASS.IO interface

Hi All,

I would like to implement a menu items like Instagraeme did here:

At the top there is a HOME | SYSTEM | Media etc. items and since I have no idea what you call the menu, a search for it becomes a wee bit frustrating.

Anyone know what it is called and how to create the menu?

Those are “views” which you create in your groups.yaml file by adding view: yes to the group.

Fantastic - thank you very much. I now know about groups and top menu entries!

One more question; I am using Floorplan, and I can see on the left menu there is an entry in the side bar to the floorplan.

The question I have is, how to I create a link in the top menu that will display the floorppan.

The link on the sidebar links to: https://myhassio.local:8123/floorplan

Is there a way to set a specific destination URL on the group/menu ?