Major Trouble Installing Shelly Dimmer 2 (USA)

Although I don’t need a dimmer I chose this device since the switch box has no neutral (just a switch loop, hot and switched hot available).

I hooked up the:
Output to the load, formerly the switched hot.
Line, to the Shelly and the SW input
SW1, to output of physical SWITCH

First I noticed no LED or any indication that the unit was getting power as I expected to see based on my previous 1PM Mini Gen 3 installs… Does the Dimmer 2 have a light indicating power and adoption status lie the other units?

Is this Shelly Dimmer 2 part of older hardware that’s hard to setup or lacks the LED status…? The only stuff I installed previously is Gen 3.

Second, I noticed that the App was presenting 3 ways to connect where it defaulted to the BLE (Blutooth) and where nothing was ever discovered. No AdHoc Wifi seemed to be generated by the Shelly device. Device scans on the Network revealed no Shelly device. Using the search method that uses WIFI AP credentials failed too…

What happens if the load is less than 20 watts???

Here are a fews pics… So, what could be the issue here??? Sunday (Today) is my last day to work on this remote property. Hopefully some of you know what the solution might be.



Just learned this from Shelly:

"You can use the Shelly Dimmer 2 with and without neutral.

However, if you plan to use the device without neutral, you need a Shelly bypass wired parallel to the L + N of the LOAD."

From what I understood from the documentation you only needed the bypass if you had a load that was less than 20 watts. I wish the documentation was more clear about that. I bought several dimmers and traveled to a property far from civilization and though I had all bases covered.

Is there any indication (LED) that the Dimmer 2 is getting power and shows adoption status, does this Dimmer 2 have that feature like the Gen 3s?
