Has anyone been able to make a ESP32 that has a Dallas sensor connect via Bluetooth to a proxy?
The esp32 is the proxy.
Yea I know but I would like to create a ESP32 Bluetooth device with temp sensors that connect to a proxy. So the ESP32 connects and reports via Bluetooth to the proxy not ESP32 connect via Wi-Fi.
If anyone has a good way of doing this would be appreciated.
I guess that might prove useful
Yes for me it will. I have a Shelly 3 acting as a proxy and I would like to connect ESP devices to it where there is no Wi-Fi. Shelly is connected with Ethernet cable. It would be nice if ESPHome made something simple for this.
The custom component linked looks like it does exactly what you want…
Doesn’t the OP want to emit data?
The component seems mainly about being a receiver. There is also a transmitter part, but it seems dedicated to ESP-NOW, which is a wireless protocol of it’s own, different from BT or even Wifi.
That was my understanding when I read the documentation to. I don’t think it turns an ESP32 into a Bluetooth transmitter.
This is my use case.
My access point is 87 meters away from my esp32 and Shelly 3 (no Wi-Fi). I have a hard wired (Ethernet cable) to a Shelly 3 that I can turn into a Bluetooth proxy (don’t what to use that Ethernet cable as an AP). I would like to create an ESP32 to read a Dallas temp sensor and then send that data via Bluetooth to the Shelly 3 proxy. In the ESP32 I also would like to do some switches as well. I could probably use the Shelly plus add-on to get the temp sensors and connect another Shelly PM with the add-on to the Shelly 3.
I tough I would ask if anyone has made an ESP32 to communicate via Bluetooth to a proxy first. Or I may need to add another AP to cover this area. If Bluetooth can’t be done I will probably add another AP to cover this area.
Your use case makes sense, and, according to the link I posted above, sending the data wouldn’t even be the trickiest part.
The tricky part will be for HA to interpret the data received through the BLE proxy, as the format of the data sent would be unknown to it. That would require a custom component on the HA part as well.
Bottom-line: Feasible, but surely not easy and will require dev knowledge.
If you have an ethernet cable, put another AP at the end of it.
Hi Nick,
Firstly on behalf of the community I would like to thank you for all the effort you put into helping people… especially in the ESPHome area. Hats off to you.
I have thought about that but I would like the cable into the Shelly 3 as I would like a fixed connection to it in this area. In fact I have 2 off Shelly 3 wired. I am thinking about installing another AP that could cover this area from 30 meters away open air straight access (new cable run now). But the Shelly’s will be wired.
I am trying Chris suggestion but I am getting caught on the line
id(ble).get_advertising()->set_manufacturer_data((uint8_t*) advertisement, sizeof(manufacturer_data_t));
ESPHome not liking it
I think I will order a AP tomorrow and take the easy way out.
I know you can turn an esp32 into an accesspoint, what I don’t know if it can be done with one connected on ehternet. It will be less secure than a bought one most likely.
My network is Ubiquiti with multiple VLAN +++ so I will stick with their AP. Thanks for the suggestion
That would be the better option indeed, albeit more expensive. I used an ESP one for a while to test if it would fix my wallbox connection problems, before buying the expensive hardware.
Yea I know this is why I was keen for Bluetooth option, just some code and I can have it.
Some of the Unifi APs have a pass though second ethernet port, my AC Pros do. This would give you both WiFi and wired.
Yea good point it may be better to do this as 30 meters away then to go into a metal box could be a struggle. I will keep that in mind
Correct, I missed that the sender included in the component is only BT home over esp-now which actually uses the same frequency as BLE and should be very much identical from the possibilities (maybe esp-now has longer range?).
I expect the component to very much fit your needs even though it doesn’t make use of bt home over BLE.

maybe esp-now has longer range?
esp-now looks very interesting.
I have a new AP now… just need to install it (today’s job). Thanks for all your help… still interested in this topic to see if ESPHome implements something out of the box.