I’m trying to make a sensor entity for the battery level of my phone.
in the state page i have
device_tracker.life360_rpal with the battery level in the attributes
i’v add those lines in the configuratin.yaml
Error saving event: <Event state_changed[L]:
Error executing query: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed
Error saving event: <Event state_changed[L]:
Error executing query: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed
Error doing job: SSL error errno:1 reason: SSLV3_ALERT_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN
Error doing job: SSL handshake failed
Error saving event: <Event state_changed[L]:
Error executing query: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed
Hint: It contains errors.
I suggest you shutdown Home Assistant, delete the following file home-assistant_v2.db then restart Home Assistant. Then check the system log for any new errors.
I doubt some people would understand much about this at all. These aren’t the old days where delving into the system to understand it meant making it work. A lot of people like the simplicity of click and forget.