Make action not trigger on home assistant startup

I have an action that triggers after my washing machine finishes (wattage is lower than 5 for 2 minutes). But this also triggers every time I start up Home Assistant. How do I avoid that?

  - alias: Washing Machine
      platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.vaskemaskin_power_3
      below: 5
        minutes: 2
      service: notify.pushover
        title: "Washy washy"
        message: "Vaskemaskinen er ferdig"

add a condition to ensure HA hasn’t started in the last [say] 5 min?
I have an automation that runs at startup and check that this automation hasn’t ran in the last 5 min:

    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{(as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.hass_start_sound.attributes.last_triggered | default(0))) | int > 300}}'
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Good idea!

I created this automation:

  - alias: HA started
      platform: event
      event_type: homeassistant_start
      - service: script.noop

And this script:

  alias: "noop"
    delay: 00:00:00

But somehow states.automation.ha_started.attributes.last_triggered is null:

  "last_triggered": null,
  "friendly_name": "HA started"

Any idea why?

Never mind, I figured out that I should use the homeassistant platform instead:

- trigger:
    platform: homeassistant
    event: start
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was just about to point this out :slight_smile:
Have fun

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That seems like a good solution. As an alternative, what I’ve seen others do is use the Uptime Sensor. E.g., check out this topic.


The uptime sensor looks even more intuitive, thanks!

But anyway, it looks like these solutions just delay the notification by 5 minutes :frowning:

Back to the drawing board?

set an input_boolean to track when you turn the machine on and use it as a condition for your notification.
Obviously make sure that the default state for the boolean is off :wink:

That doesn’t make sense to me, unless sensor.vaskemaskin_power_3 is changing to values above and below 5 constantly or often. If it is below 5 at startup, and stays that way for 2 minutes, then yes, you’ll get an undesired notification (which should be eliminated with an uptime condition.) After that, it has to go to 5 or above, and then back below 5, and stay that way for 2 minutes, before the automation will trigger again.

If you add a condition like the following to your original automation, I don’t see how you’ll still get a notification after startup (again, unless the sensor’s value is changing.)

  condition: numeric_value
  entity_id: sensor.uptime
  above: 3

This assumes you enable sensor.uptime with a value of minutes.

If the value is indeed fluctuating around 5, then I would think you have more of a problem than just an undesired notification at startup.

Ahhh, I figured it out. My telldus zwave mini switch only sends updates every 600 seconds when idle. So setting the idleness to 12 minutes fixed the issue. I could also configure the switch to send updates more often. Thanks for all the feedback! For reference, this is all that I had to do.

In automations.yaml:

  - alias: Washing Machine
      platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.vaskemaskin_power_3
      below: 5
        minutes: 2
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.ha_uptime
        above: 12
        - service: notify.pushover
            title: "Washy washy"
            message: "Vaskemaskinen er ferdig"

In configuration.yaml:

  - platform: uptime
    name: 'HA uptime'
    unit_of_measurement: minutes
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