Make and usb-relay-hid (build from source)

[core-ssh makemake]$ make make: libusb-config: No such file or directory
make: libusb-config: No such file or directory
gcc -O -Wall -I… -I…/…/lib -fPIC -c -o usbrelay-cmd.o …/usbrelay-cmd.c
gcc -O -Wall -I… -I…/…/lib -fPIC -c -o hiddata_libusb01.o …/hiddata_libusb01.c
…/hiddata_libusb01.c:14:10: fatal error: usb.h: No such file or directory
I’m trying to control usb-hid relay, so i’m trying to compile binary

before build i’ve installed packages:
apk add build-base
apk add libusb-dev

how to resolve that?