Make Aquara Xiaomi Wall Switch (double, with L/Neutral) to wireless Switch? (SOLVED)

Im have problem to make my aquara switch (include L&N) to wireless switch, i want to assign left button to wireless switch to Toggle on/off Phillips Downlight Xiaomi (added to hass). I grouped 4 downlights to 1 group.

But it’s not work.

How can i fix it?

This is my code:

  • alias: Công tắc tường, mở đèn trần
  • event_data:
    click_type: single
    entity_id: switch.wall_switch_ln_left_158xxx
    platform: event
  • data: {}
    entity_id: light.phong_cua_khoi
    service: light.toggle

Problem has been solved, need to check option in MiHome app, (Turn off: Change to wireless switch)

and this is code Automation to control

  • alias: Công tắc tường, mở đèn trần
    • entity_id: switch.wall_switch_ln_left_158d000249248a
      platform: state
    • data: {}
      entity_id: light.phong_cua_khoi
      service: light.toggle