Make current Calendar more interactive with Add/remove events

Currently we can create events to the calendar by calling a service…and I’m currently creating events by using txt/date/time helpers but that’s not a user friendly approach.

It would be better to have the same intuitive way as calendar apps on mobile devices have.

Just by tabbing the right timeslot which results in a popup to be able to fill out all calendar details and submitting it.

In my use case this is for dashboards like we have in the kitchen on which our family schedule is displayed. This way everyone knows the planning of eachother.
Last time I wished for this was when I was on the phone with our dentist for an appointment…it would be really handy dandy to be able to just navigate to the right date tab the timeslot and enter the details of the appointment.

I’ve gone through all earlier calendar requests but noone requested for this yet…lets make the votes count :+1: