A few months ago I got tired of my backups filling up the disk so I got a NVME to put in my Intel NUC. I used the move data disk option to move everything over to the new disk. Everything has worked perfectly since then.
This morning I needed a SSD for another project and remember there was one sitting in my HA box that wasn’t being used anymore… You can probably guess the blunder I then made.
I pulled the SSD out and reformatted it for the new use. Sometime later I realized my HA wasn’t booting back up and discovered my mistake.
So, where do I go from here? Is there a way to make the NVME bootable? If I need to re-install from scratch how to I keep from loosing all of the data and configuration on the NVME?
I am proficient with Linux but am a Red Hat guy not Debian.
Thanks for any tips!