Make ESP available again via fallback hotspot?


I have an ESP8266, it is available in the integration and the data is correct.

However, it is offline in the ESP Home Device Builder.

I would like to update it and expand the code.

I have turned off the WiFi and can connect the ESP to my cell phone via the fallback hotspot:

I can select OTA update there.

Could I compile a *.bin using the ESP Home Device Builder and then upload it to the ESP OTA?

The problem is that I can’t actually get to the ESP and have no way of connecting directly via USB…

Greetings and a happy new year


If it’s well connected at your Wifi and working properly with HA, just add that in your ESP sketch:

  platform: esphome

and then you’ll just need to connect at IP address of your ESP in your LAN and through the web interface of the ESP upload the new bin file generated by ESPHome Builder :wink: No need to switch off your wifi anymore !



the problem is, it’s offline here:


  name: "km271-for-friends"

  name: "${name}"
  name_add_mac_suffix: true

    upload_speed: 921600

    name: the78mole.km271-wifi
    version: "1.0"

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino


#  encryption:
#    key: "xxxx"

#  password: "xxxx"

  ssid: "xxxx"
  password: "xxxx"

    static_ip: xxxx
    gateway: xxxx
    subnet: xxxx

    ssid: "Buderus Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "12345678"

But here I get all the values:

and here I could upload a file that I create in the esp home builder?

If HA can see it and ESPHome not, it looks like you have a mdns issue somewhere.

You can use

  use_address: xx.xx.xx.xx

to “force” the dns resolution.


re-read my message :wink: we don’t care about offline status in ESPHome builder :smiley:

Did you rename the device in the yaml after adding to HA? It looks to be different, this means that it can’t be found by mDNS I would think…

The use_address option should work but you will probably end with a new device in HA once updated with the new name.

Hello and happy new year,

@koying I’ll have to look into that.

@vincen Unfortunately I can’t access the ESP via the IP, I get a “page loading error”. But pinging works. The problem should be solved if I correct the configuration and update it once via the fallback hotspot.

@zoogara When I update the configuration I add use_adress, I just have to think about whether it’s worth it to me, since I’ll then get a new device in HA.

Thank you very much for your help, I know what to do now :wink:

To answer your original question, yes, you can upload firmware via the fallback hotspot.

The use_address option is just forcing esphome to use that address to upload to for ota. Not necessarily the address it will have on reboot.