If you like HA Cloud idea as the excellent bridge between local HA and internet, but 60USD yearly is too much. Please, vote!
Not gonna happen. its been made very clear from the start what the cost is going to be.
No amount of voting is going to change it
There is the roll your own alternatives that cost zero, if your not happy with the cost, they just take a little bit of effort to setup but has been documented in a few places
I originally huffed at the price too, especially as I don’t use voice assistants.
But then I read that they will be added a secure external access feature.
As soon as that is up and running I’ll be signing up, no question.
I think that $60 a year is a good deal for those two features (plus new ones in future).
Maybe not for just Alexa/Google Home though (just my opinion)… But then you are not only supporting the company, you are supporting the Devs directly so that helps too.
Bare in mind Server/hosting/dev costs and the fact this isn’t a mainstream company that would appeal to your average person in the street (their client base is relatively small in the scheme of things)… $1.58 a month? Really?
So tired of all the whining regarding cloud… if it is too expensive for you, then don’t sign up. There are free alternatives.
Dry your eyes and move on.
I will get the Cloud service as soon as I’m done with my basic setup, this is the whole reason I choose Home Assistant in the first place.
I’ve looked at nearly every other “home hub” and none was perfect, I was nearly hours away from getting an Athom Homey because it was the closest thing I could get that met my demands…then I checked out a YouTube video of Home Assistant and the rest is history.
I guess it all comes down to if it’s worth it for you and if it adds that much to your setup. I need it to enable my Google Homes to communicate with my Home Assistant, that in itself is worth the $5 each month considering how much I use them.
If I didn’t use voice control in my home I would probably never get the Cloud service.
Maybe not as low as US$19/year but some level of discount for an annual subscription. It’s fairly common for an annual plan to be cheaper (per month) than a monthly plan. It appeals to frugal bargain-hunters (like many Home Automation enthusiasts). It also has the advantage of reducing payment-transaction costs and collecting funds sooner than later.
Perhaps a ~20% discount (US$48) for an annual subscription would be a viable compromise. The discount doesn’t have to be forever; it could apply exclusively for the first year as a promotion to attract customers.
FWIW, it’s the secure, remote-access part that interests me the most.
I was in a similar frame of mind, but operating happily with voice commands to both Alexa and Google Home until I updated Homeassistant a couple of weeks ago. Ever since then, only Alexa works and I’m just trying to find the time to figuring out what has broken with the Google Home integration. Struggling with research so far to restore the functionality I had without taking up Cloud and feel like i’m now forced to pay for the solution which is not the way I wanted to approach what was before that, a choice. Hopefully I’m just missing something.
The discount when paying annual I can support. It less cost and less administration for the company
I admit this is one reason why I didn’t move to hass yet.
I’m a few tired of paid-but-non-maintained plugins in Jeedom (French solution for home automation) but the cloud solution is only 12€/year
I tried the free alternative to link hass to assistants but I couldn’t make it working (maybe because of my home servers already working and reverse proxy …) and I gave up.
So gain the price of the Jeedom plugins to loss of the expensive hass cloud
is true … is a pure rip off price … nothing else … 7,50€ (in EU) (is like $9) for one single home? PER MONTH??? rly? not even multi homes possible? this on top; is a pain in the ass to get HA opened to the outside world - even with cloudflare tunnel “400: bad request”
stuff like this keeps me looking for alternatives.
i’m wondering when google or anyone else comes across with a better home automation solution, so i can trash HA for good. (mostly because of bad execution of what could be so good).
what i think is the funniest; HA (fan boys) “advertising” cheap solution with HA - and then, nabu casa comes around and takes more than every other cloud-based solution costs all together
for something that is completely free on cloudflare
for something that is actually self-hosted is ridiculous
I am happy with the current price but I would like a multi user discount option.
I have 5 HA installs here on the same site (don’t ask why) and subscribing separately for each is just beyond practical for me.
I would be happy if the secondary licences were restricted to the same home IP. It is a dynamic IP however.
The cloudflare tunnel works like a charm.