Make home assistant compatible with Nextcloud's calendar caldav format

if you create recursive/repeating events home assistant caldav integration doesnt work well. But the most common android apps that manage caldav are working as expexted, so i supose its something wrong in home assistant. It would be nice to integrate calendar functions to home assistant, as there is already a nice card and a lot of functions.

I’m sorry but I use NC 19 self hosted on Internet and HA at home and Caldav to synchronise my calendars from NC in HA and my recurring events are well showing up in HA calendar without problems !

you create the events from the nextcloud calendar or you use some other app?if you use app, wich app?
i tried creating it on nextcloud and with app (onecalendar android) and ha doest read them right. but between app and nexcloud there is no problem reading the events created with each other (repetitive events) if i create them manually for one day…then it works in home assistant too.

how can we know what changes in my configuration and yours? xd as i see in the coments of these post there are more people with similar problems…

i am using rpi4 oficial image and full updated supervised home assistant.

I vote on this one, issues are opened for a while.
But it’s not only Nextcloud, most caldav storage have problems. I’m using a self hosted Davical, recuring all day events fail too. Recuring exceptions are not handled. Events created with Thunderbird on Linux, Outlook on Windows, Android calendar, they all fail. I documented in the github issue you linked.

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Whatever if I create the recurring event in Android Calendar (I use Google default one and DavX5 for synchro with Nextcloud) or in NC it shows up 1/2 minutes later in HA calendar ! I tried both creating recurring event that are a full day and recurring events at specific time of day !

Yep not sure what to compare but I think main problem is how recurring event is created in NC calendar. Here I’m running latest version of NC 19 hosted on my own internet servers (LAMP environnement), HA is running up-to-date on a PI4, and phone is running Android 11 with default Google Calendar and DavX5 for synchro of contacts/calendar between Androit and NC :wink:

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You could try the workaround I tested : only all day events fail to be shown at the right date. So change your recurring all-day event to one that has time coherent with your timezone.
That’s not perfect, as the exceptions still not work, but as I rely on “home office” event for my wake-up routine, this saves me for half a year !

that doesnt work for me :frowning: xd

i have now configured google calendar api… not working too.
Tried with all day events and time set…that repeat every day, its not loading all events. All month after february appear the same way