Make Homekit Sensor (climate) Data accessible

Hi there, i try to integrate eve weather temp sensor from homekit to HA dashboard. Homekit Controller can’f find the device after removing it from Home and i found 1000 issues why but no solution … anyone knows a good tutorial to start with? I can’t find a good video on youtube or vimeo to integrate climate data / sensor from homekit to HA creating virtual devices (or something else). I have some virtual switches in HA working with automations in Homekit but i dont know how to start with sensors :frowning: I am desperate.

Now i am at the point to get data from the homekit paired eve weather sensor and displaying it in a picture card with lovelace. I can’t find a tutorial to get data from a homekit sensor and bring it to home assistant. Any help would be great, i also tried the HA Discord channel, without success :frowning:

Hi @matrice, any progress on this topic? I would like to do the same…

Sorry to bring up a dead post but did either @mosue or @matrice have any luck with this?

Sorry for the late response. Eve devices aren’t really great when it comes to interaction and interoperability. I will attempt to completely remove EVE from the native HomeKit app and integrate it with the HA HomeKit Controller instead (I had issues with this two years ago, maybe it’s improved now).