Make it possible to use multiple alarm codes with manual-alarm

Hello everyone :slight_smile:,

Currently using Hass very happily and also the manual-alarm is working great. The only thing missing there is that it’s currently only possible to set one alarm-code to arm/disarm the alarm. It would be great to have the option to set multiple codes (in a list / array ?) so that you have some kind of access-control and maybe even an audit-trail on your alarm!

What does everybody think about my idea? :slight_smile:


same request here :slight_smile:

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Would be nice indeed. I would prefer not to give the general code to our house keeper.
Schedules would also be nice: only accept between x - y times on specified days.

Yes same idea:
to be able to give a secondary code to a guest and change it after he left without revealing the primary (master) code.
Is there a formal process to propose this change/addition?

This is exactly what I am looking for. Need a way to allow “temporary” access codes or codes that are only allowed at certain days/times.

Problem with the alarm component is that its far too simplify authentication as such and even try to adopt those simple, classic alarm systems.

Personally I would prefer several types of authentication (PIN (more than just 4 digits), biometric, tag, …) as well as MFA (for example tag + pin).

Same could be extended to the concept of “zones” which is pretty much absent (different zones being active att different states or times. Maybe even having different authentication methods)

I guess the thing is, Home Assistant is not an Alarm System. It is a Home Automation System and this Manual Alarm panel is just tacked in to try and give people something to play with.

It would be nice to have more than one code, but not really sure what else you want. Most alarm systems are a 4 or 6 digit code, even commercial ones. The Manual Alarm is just a basic, Arm Home, Arm Away, Disarm type system. There is no administration or anything. Everything is done by automations and the Manual panel is just a trigger for an automation. It could be water the garden when triggered, or you could have it scream a siren.

Fingerprint readers and RFID can be integrated to arm and disarm the alarm, it is just an automation to change the state of the Alarm Panel based on triggers from those devices. Zones can also be created, you have arm home, arm away, pending, disarm states. Arm home can be triggered by one group of motion sensors. You just create a group to put them in. There is MFA available for your Home Assistant login, that was available even when this feature request was started.

If you want a more secure or complex alarm, best off buying an actual alarm system. Home Assistant is an automation system and even the manual alarm panel is just automations based on states.

The HACS integrations Alarmo provides this. Alarmo also makes the whole set up of an alarm system much easier and has more options compared to the built in version.

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Bump…Did everyone just give up and move to Alarmo? Adding multiple codes does not seem like a huge leap.

I see that code_template allows one to customize based on state, but based on my understanding multiple codes are still not possible for a single alarm.


Have you looked at Alarmo?


It can do what you ask and much more.