I have a ID Lock 150 in my Home Assistant, is it possible to get the lock_mode added as an entity with only on and off choice? If I add the ‘select.id_lock_lock_mode’ to my entity card I must click on it and choose what I would like to change the state to, because it have more than just one choice.
entity select.id_lock_lock_mode
- auto_off_away_off
- auto_on_away_off
- auto_off_away_on
- auto_on_away_on
battery: 80
door_state: closed
idlock_lock_fw: 1.5.9
linkquality: 255
lock_mode: auto_on_away_off
lock_state: locked
master_pin_mode: true
relock_enabled: false
rfid_enable: true
service_mode: deactivated
sound_volume: low_volume
status: enabled
friendly_name: ID_lock_lock_mode
Is it possible to get it to an single choice enitity like a light bulb and just click one time?
So that ‘on’ is auto_on_away_off
And ‘off’ auto_off_away_off
Would take less space in my dashboard.