Make switch smart using ADS1115, ACS712 via I2c

Hi all, I would like to be able to control my dumb light-switches from Hassio without impacting the current setup and without adding additional pi’s/esp’s/arduino’s. Most smart lights/switches are dependant on the availability of a hub and or sort of communication (wifi/zigbee/zwave). I want my lights to work with and without availability of this communication using the dumb switch (good for the Wife Acceptance Factor).

A possible solution is to add a HA controlled relay to each switch-light connection creating a traveler system but I have to be able to determine wether the lights are on or off in some way.
I found instructions on how to do that using a “Hall Current Sensor Module (ACS712)” connected to a raspberry-pi using an “analog-to-digital converter (ADS1115)”. The ADC must be connected through I2C connenction, for which instructions can be found here: enable_i2c. Not sure if it is possible to add the ACS712 to HA since there is no integration for it.

My questions:

  • Is it possible to integrate the ACS712 on Hassio and how to do that…? If not, is it possible on Hassbian or HassOS?
  • Is there another/easier/better solution to accomplish what I want (not replacing current switches)?

Did you manage to get the ADS1115 to work in HA?
I am adding a MCP23017 and a ADS1115.

For the MCP23017 a want to change the config_register to allow for INT activity when a pin channged state (from the chip itself) instead of reading the pins all the time over the i2c bus.


Hi Peter, I did not continue with this, without help it seems impossible for me to implement it.

I am going to build the circuit with the 2x MCP23017 and 4 ADS1115 soon, once its in place i will try to add the ADS1115 to HA. I found some hints here and there on different projects and will try to get this to work. It may involve some python code and MQTT to get the readings into a HA sensor.
Ones i know how i will update you.

@Peerke Have you implemented the Current sensor into HA?

No not yet, i am still working on getting the MCP23017 to work in interupt mode.