How do I output the audio from a tts thing to the speakers plugged into an odroid n2 plus?
I don’t know about Home Assistant. I use the Play Audio node in Node Red to play audio to my browser’s speakers. Here are two flows that use the Play Audio node. One to “beep” (from a wav file) and the other to say, “Deploy Finished”. (The inject node triggers on startup, which a deploy does).
I’m actually trying to get it to use tts to use yaml to say the state of an entity. Trying to get it to read the temperature of a sensor outside via my speakers plugged into the odroid when I ask the outdoor temperature. It’ll read it from the atom echo speaker device but idk how to make the automation say it from the main speakers.
Again, I don’t know how to do this in Home Assistant. In Node-Red you just need to add a Poll State Node. Poll your entity state periodically, then in a function node build the string that you pass to the Play Audio node.
No, wait- that would announce your entity state with every poll… Could get annoying.
My use is even more complex, but basically, I have my Poll State Node set to repeat every 30-seconds and save the value in a global variable. When I trigger the Play Audio node, usually from an automation, the flow reads the value from the global variable, builds a quoted string, then flow msg.payload to the Play Audio Node.