Anyone idea’s on making a Galaxy Smart watch and/or android phone vibrate for like one minute using a service call or something? I tried intents, but I cant get it working. Does anyone else use a smart way to do this? I want to make my watch vibrate for a minimum of 30 seconds when my alarm triggers.
Have you tried the Tasker app? That might work.
Thanks! I’ll look into it!
I’ve found a way, maybe someone else can use it later. This service sets a timer that goes off in 1 second. Your galaxy watch also picks it up in bedtime mode and starts vibrating. (i have phone and watch always on silent)
service: notify.your_android_phone
message: command_activity
intent_action: android.intent.action.SET_TIMER
intent_extras: >-
Thanks! Using this for when i am playing with the VR set and my son wakes up!
For people who need this, I found a better way eventually.
I’m using Telegram and routines on my Galaxy 21 for this now. You can make a routine on your phone that triggers when you get a Telegram message with a specific text in it. By example if i get a telegram message on my phone with “kjg5646gg” (quotes included) in it, it sets a timer for 2 seconds on my phone (and smartwatch) I send the telegram message through HA triggered by a sentence. (set timer 5 minutes)
Works very well, also for other purposes. (alarm triggered, or change sleep mode and do not disturb) You can also make a routine that reads a message out loud on your phone (someone rang the doorbell), again, triggered by a Telegram message with a specific keyword. Play music, possibilities are endless if you have Telegram setup in your Home Assistant and use the routine function from your phone. Very powerfull