Makefile for OZWCP or Docker integration issues

I’ve been trying to get OZWCP setup on my raspberry pi 3 today with no success. When I curl the makefile I end up getting issues with “make” it ends up failing with "make: nothing can be done with ‘all’ " this is after commenting and uncommenting the correct lines in the makefile and the directories/dependencies for it.

I then moved on to Docker to try that avenue of getting OZWCP to play nice and nothing. When I try to run docker with OZWCP I get a panic “Standard_init_linux.go:175”. I’m spinning my wheels and I’ve searched through every tutorial here on setting it up properly.

The only thing I haven’t tried is the AIO as I have other things setup on my pi, and I feel it will break more than it will fix. I’m hoping for anything that might help. Thanks!