I’m a little confused about the integration with Maker channel on IFTTT. In the example given for the web request URL, it gives an example of

Is the api_password the Maker Channel key or is it the HA API password?
I installed HA with the all in one installer on a Pi3 and I do not remember having a password set or is there a default one for the API? If so where can I find it or can anyone tell me what it is?

To test this integration out I have set up an IFTTT recipe that should turn on a switch when I star a Gmail email. (it is just a test :-)). So far I have not got this to work and the recipe always shows as never run. I have tried a few combinations of the URL but none have worked.

Can anyone help with this or point me in the direction of any written information. I have read the component page so far.

I solved my problem. On reading further I needed to add the http component to my configuration.yaml and add a api password there.

On doing this the recipe ran OK.

This is referrring to the API Password in HA if you set one; there is no default. The password is set in the configuration.yaml like so:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  api_password: YOUR_PASSWORD

It is completely optional but highly suggested especially if you are connecting via outside sources like IFTTT.

Not sure if simply omitting the api_password argument from the URL example would work as I have never tried it.

LOL, we posted at the same time. Glad you got it worked out.

Thanks rpitera, yes now funny we posted exactly the same time!
I tried omitting the password but this did not work.

All working OK. Thanks for your assistance.

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Thanks for reporting that - it will help others and it’s good to know in case someone asks me later.