Making 3 sensors go into one icon?


how can i make this 3 sensors/binary_sensor go in to one icon like in smartthings?

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “test”
    state_topic: “smartthings/test/temperature/state”
    qos: 0
    device_class: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: “°C”
  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Test Batteri”
    state_topic: “smartthings/test/battery/state”
    unit_of_measurement: “%”
    retain: true


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “test”
    state_topic: “smartthings/test/contact/state”
    payload_on: “open”
    payload_off: “closed”
    qos: 0
    device_class: door


Could you elaborate on what you mean by “go in to one icon”? Even though I used SmartThings for quite a while before switching to HA, it’s not intuitively obvious to me what you’re looking for.

Hi and thanks for your reply

right now i have 3 different icons showing, temp in one, battery % in one and if the sensor is open/closed in one. i like to have it so temperature and battery are in the same icon as the open/close one. so if i click on the open / close icon or put my mouse on it, then i will see the % of battery and the temperature.


You can kind of do that with a group if you make it visible. Otherwise sounds like you want a sensor whose state is the same as the open/ close sensor and has attributes whose values are the same as the states of the other two. It probably wouldn’t be too hard to make a custom sensor like that. Don’t know how to do it with existing components, though.