Making a Custom Thermostat card

Hey I am trying to make a custom thermostat card to control my AC unit thats on a smart switch, and use my phillips hue motion sensor that has a temp sensor in it and I can see the readings in HA.

What am I doing wrong here? Its saying Configuration errors detected:

  • No type provided.

I also provided a screenshot below

  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: Air Conditioning
    heater: switch.bedroom_air_conditioner
    target_sensor: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_1_temperature
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 21
    ac_mode: true
    target_temp: 17
    cold_tolerance: 0.3
    hot_tolerance: 0
    seconds: 5
    minutes: 3
    initial_hvac_mode: “off”
    away_temp: 16
    precision: 0.1’

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You should be putting that into your config.yaml file not into a card.

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Even when it says this?

So I put that in the config file and rebooted and now what do I do? See the screenshot

Add a thermostat card to your Lovelace and point it to climate.air_conditioning

Please stop posting photos of text.

Sorry I am new here didn’t know that was against the rules

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so now that worked thank you so much, what would I put in to make the values be higher then 21 Celsius ?

Change the max_temp that you set to 21 in the code in your first post.

Do you know much about the dual temp card?

Do you mean being able to set an upper and lower temp trigger?

Yes like for example, I have a infrared heater on a smart plug and my window ac on another, with a temp sensor. I wanna be able to add the auto feature as well

This is what I have so far but its missing any auto function

- platform: dualmode_generic
    name: Bedroom Thermostat
    heater: switch.bedroom_heater
    cooler: switch.bedroom_air_conditioner
    target_sensor: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_1_temperature
    reverse_cycle: true
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 28
    target_temp: 21.5
    cold_tolerance: 0.3
    hot_tolerance: 0
      seconds: 5
      minutes: 3
    initial_hvac_mode: "off"
    away_temp: 16
    precision: 0.1

Hi Justin. If you format code blocks correctly it will be much easier for the community to read them and chances that you’ll get a reply will rise.

After pasing code blocks into your message(s) just highlight them and click the </> - icon above the editing window. This way correct and easy readable code blocks will happen automagically :wink:

thank you I edited my post I had no clue I could do that its way easier to read

Much better to read and to understand :+1:t4:

Regarding your project take a look here.
Although it is not directly related it will give you a good understanding how thermostats work with HA including how to create lovelace cards.

yeah no I know how to set those up its the merging it into one like this one, I currently have them both merged into one just no auto option to automatically pick between heat and cool, I have todo it myself

Since you are not using ZWave thermostats why don’t simply install and use enriqg9 / dual-thermostat card? It looks well enough documented thus it should be useful for your project. Regarding the EOL-announcement note this comment.

Edit: Well, you are using this already. I just read your post over there.
Edit2: But again: So hard to read. Maybe you want to format it correctly mirroring what you have so far inside your raw config with Lovelace?

So this is direct copy and paste from my raw

  '-type': js
  url: /local/dual-thermostat
  - title: Main Bedroom Controls
    path: main-bedroom-controls
    panel: false
    badges: []
      - type: thermostat
        entity: climate.bedroom_thermostat
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: light
            entity: light.top_lamp_bulb
          - type: light
            entity: light.bottom_lamp_bulb
          - type: light
            entity: light.bedroom_led_strip
          - type: light
            entity: light.bedroom
            name: Bedroom Lights (Master)
      - type: weather-forecast
        entity: weather.home
        secondary_info_attribute: wind_speed
  - title: Cameras
    path: cameras
    badges: []
    cards: []
  - title: Room Temperatures
    path: room-temp
    panel: false
    badges: []
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_1_temperature
        graph: line
        name: Bedroom Temp
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_1_light_level
        graph: line
        name: Bedroom Light Level
  - title: Switches
    path: switches
    panel: false
    badges: []
    cards: []
  - title: Media
    path: media
    badges: []
    cards: []
  - title: Keegans Room
    path: keegans-room
    panel: false
    badges: []
    cards: []
  - title: Life360 Locations
    path: life360-locations
    badges: []
      - type: entities
          - entity: device_tracker.life360_darien_ross
          - entity: device_tracker.life360_alysha
          - entity: device_tracker.life360_jeremy_falls
          - entity: device_tracker.life360_justin_m
          - entity: device_tracker.life360_ravine
          - entity: device_tracker.life360_tracy_ross
        state_color: true
title: Our Bedroom Controls

Can I set the thermostat Heater or Cooler as an Action like a script?

I have a Google / Alexa connected Aprilaire thermostat and it can take commands to set certain Temp value or Mode through Alexa / Google assistant SDK.

Or have a custom Slider UI which will pass the slider value to the script in order to trigger Hey Google, set the thermostat to {$value_passed}
& subsequently create 3 - 4 buttons in order to trigger Fan, Heat Cool and Humidifier , Air Cleaning modes?

I’m getting the home temperature using Alexa Echos placed in different rooms for an average house temperature.