Making A Schedule Reminder That You Can Hide Once Complete (eg. Toggle Options for "Trash Card" Icons)

Hello fellow HASS users (and abusers - I’m definitely in that latter category).

BLUF I would like a card that shows me important things for today from my calendar or a task list that I can “click” to mark as complete.

I am a new user to Home Assistant, but a long time user of smart home devices. I have PTSD, and with it some significant memory issues, particularly short term memory, that is exacerbated when under high stress.

I absolutely love the TrashCard add-on (GitHub - idaho/hassio-trash-card: TrashCard - indicates what type of trash will be picked up next based on your calendar entries 🗑️). Easy to use and looks fantastic.

…But it’s not quite what I’m wanting to “do” with the data.

Want/Need From HASS

What I would like to do is to show the data in EXACTLY the same way that the TrashCard currently does, but to make the icons/buttons actually toggleable so that for example, on Organics Bin Day/Week, it shows the icon for the bin on my HASS dashboard, but I can then click it and it “turns off” until the next scheduled repetition.

Ideally I would be able to do this for daily medications in the same card. The way it would work is that I have that card on my tablet home screen and the icons show up as “Organics Bin - 2 days”, or “Daily Medication”… but once I take that bin out to the curb, or take my medications, and click the icon, it no longer shows up until the next Bin week etc.

Obviously this doesn’t HAVE to be done with the TrashCard, it’s just a good example of the way in which I would like to be able to easily view the data, and the same ease with which I can add more events in the future.

Does anyone know of a card that can already achieve what I am asking for, or have the knowledge to help me find a solution?

I can see that something like this would greatly improve my quality of life, but I don’t have the knowledge to do it myself, and the PTSD makes the learning curve a bit steeper than normal.

Thanks in advance.

Has anyone done something similar or know of a way to make this happen?


This blueprint can help you, I use it to get actionable notification on phone app and notification on dashboard.

Yes. I actually just set this up today. What you want is an input_boolean helper. Create an automation that when the event fires, turn on the input_boolean. Then on your dashboard, use a conditional card to hide or show the reminder using the state of the input_boolean as the condition. I’m using mushroom chips. You can then set the tap action to turn off the input_boolean, which will hide the reminder. I’m actually doing this using NFC tags, but you can easily do it with tap action.

If you need additional info, I’ll be making a video about it in the coming weeks. Check my thread in the social section for details.

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You legend! I have a STACK of NFC tags too that I can use. I’m just trying to get the basics going first before I bring another complexity to the mix. Those NFC tags will come in handy for a lot in the future.

I “understand” what you are saying to do, but I think I’ll wait for your video to give it a good hard crack. Thanks in advance, looking forward to seeing it.

Thanks for that, but not quite what I’m trying to do. I’ve already implemented the actionable notifications for other things, but I specifically want to use a card setup like TrashCard and have THOSE icons actionable from within the dashboard as opposed to having something sent to my phone.

A great feature, but doesn’t quite fill the void I have here.