Making an HTTP call and displaying it's info

I added a new sensor that reads information from a HTTP call and displays it, but instead of displaying the value it displays Unavailable or Unknown, although the HTTP call is successfully done.

I added a new sensor in the config.yaml like this:

  - platform: rest
    method: GET
    name: "Status"
    value_template: '{{ value_json["Status"] }}'
    scan_interval: 10

and I added a card like this:

type: entity
entity: sensor.status
state_color: true
name: Status

My https call returns this:

  'Status': 'ON',
  'Mode': 'Clock12',
  'Selected Effect': 'SolidFill',
  'Parameters': {
    'Color1': '255',
    'Color2': '170',
    'Brightness1': '150',
    'Brightness2': '50',
    'EffectSpeed': '1'

This isn’t JSON. JSON has double quotes.

Yeah, that was it, lol. Thank you

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