Making old android tablet into a Google Nest Hub like device


Correct me if this off topic.


  • I have a google nest mini device
  • My old android tablet(lollipop) has an app called Castreceiver installed.
    This is a good chromecast simulator app, and can play any media
    casted by catt on linux, perfectly.

That said though, Castreceiver is exposed in Google home as local devices,
which means that I will not be able to use google nest to run things like,
“ok google, play youtube video on Castreciever”

I believe there is a way to achieve that, but I am lost of where I can start from.
Is there something that I can do with hassio? node-red?
Or do I need to work on things like, actions on google, local execution, stuffs like that?

Thank you in advance.